Children's bodies recovered from ferry

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Parents were in anguish identifying the bodies of children who died in the ferry accident. CNN’s Kyung Lah reports. More from CNN at

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  1. u know the police officers are fighting theyr tears. no dry faces that day, still all thes years later i still come back to honor and remember all that lost theyr lives thats day and how the goverment failed when they where needed the most. students that hade theyr holde lives cut short bye people failing to do what theyr trained to do

  2. Just think, they were excited to go to that trip because that was a once in a lifetime experience as a student but that also became the reason of the end of their lives. They were too young.

  3. idk where is the captain of this ship now but i hope he got life in jail. he basically killed all of these innocent children by telling them to stay where they are while he evacuated himself. now hundreds of parents have to live a life without their babies because of him.
    he deserves to live the rest of his life in misery fo this. fûck him.

  4. Seven years later this tragedy still feels like a nightmare to this day. My heart is with the parents faculty the survivors and the community affected by this unfathomable and unwarranted tragedy caused by human error and arrogance. Those involved who failed these kids and the parents along with their school will have a karmic debt to pay to god himself. The blood of those victims are on the hands of those involved. To watch in horror everything that took place shouldn’t have happened. Those precious children shouldn’t have experienced this kind of horror. We will never forget them and we will never forget the negligence that shouldn’t have happened at all. R.I.P. to the sewol ferry ⛴ victims 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌷⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ xs 304

  5. The captains and crews were so selfish that they abandoned the kids! Most of them were rescued by nearby fisherman and etc. And the class leader/ president gave his lifejacket to save his friend/classmate.

    R.I.P angels 🙁

  6. those ppl responsible for this tragedy esp. their president and the captain should live hundred more years and feel all the shame and guilt of what they've done.

  7. These innocent souls were failed by the ones who were supposed to protect them. They died waiting for the rescue that would never come. Then their memory was stomped on by their government trying to cover it up. The captain literally threw away their lives. He had plenty of opportunities to tell the coast guard about all passengers that were there. He didn’t even give them a chance, just basically told them die.

  8. Even the titanic went down the captain went back in there and made everyone else jump off the boat some might haven't survived but it was alot who did so how tf does the Captain get off the boat doesn't say hey everyone let's jump into the water !!! But dude takes him and the homies like wtf !!!!!

  9. We the whole world will remember them I literally crying again why did they listened to the elders who betrayed them those pure souls they had so much dreams to complete damn why God why though?

  10. It's been 7 years now it's 2021.i cried even if I Didn't had any personal connection with those kids still it's heartbreaking.the caption should be tortured to death for he did. he told the kids to stay put like seriously you old man they kids and you are a grown up man.those innocent life life's trusted you and see what you did I hope you don't get peace after your should burn in hell and turn to Ash. Hope those poor souls rest in peace 💛🎗️#prayforsouthkorea.

  11. The amount of displayed incompetence and negligence by rescue services and government in this case was unprecedented in recent history, especially since it happened in developed country like Korea.

  12. Omg, I've never heard about this till today… I can't believe this happened to all those innocent children. I was a senior in high school in 2014 when all of this was happening. I can't believe the ppl that were supposed to protect them abandoned them. It sickens me to the core and my heart goes out to all their families who are still grieving and has to hold this burden on them for the rest of their lives. These teenagers would have been in their 20s today with careers but were taken away from them by their government smh god bless the missing souls 💙🕊

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