Amazing Animal Rescues

Amazing Animal Rescues
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Amazing stories of animals rescuing humans! Heroic animals saved lives of their owners while risking their own.

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8: The Dolphin Pod
One such instance occurred in 2013 in Carrickalinga, Australia. Lynn Gitsham was walking her dogs on the beach when Ramsay—her Cocker Spaniel—began chasing a flock of seagulls into the ocean. The tide was strong and pulled Ramsey away from the beach. He struggled against the current to swim back, but the pooch was no match for the strength of Mother Nature. All Gitsham could do was walk along the rocky shoreline and call helplessly for him…until she slipped on the wet rocks and fell into the water.
She fought with all her strength to swim back to shore, but the current would not let her go. Her situation escalated from bad to worse when she spotted fins swimming around her. She waited for sharp teeth to clamp down and pull her to her death. But instead of feeling the razor sharp teeth of a shark, she felt the slippery nose of a dolphin; a whole pod in fact. The dolphins grouped together and escorted Gitsham and her dog back to shore before swimming back out to sea.
7: Mandy and Mandy
78-year-old Australian farmer Noel Osborne slipped in cow manure on his farm and broke his hip. He laid there unable to move for five days in the blistering hot sun, cold bitter nights, and even during a thunderstorm. The only reason he survived is thanks to his dog Mandy—who slept with him at night to keep him warm—and his goat Mandy, who provided him with her milk to keep him hydrated.
Five days later some friends stopped by and finally found Noel. They called an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital, where he made a full recovery. Noel swears that the goat’s milk & the dog’s warmth is the reason he’s still alive.
6: Peanut the Mutt
They say dogs are man’s best friend but when it comes down to it do they really care? You be the judge. In 2016, a 1-year-old mutt named Peanut was found in Escanaba, Michigan neglected with two broken legs. After a few months of recuperation, she was adopted by a couple. What the family didn’t know was that Peanut would become a local hero.
5: Gracie – a Cat in a Coal Mine
It’s a known fact that animals can sense subtle changes in their surroundings long before humans can. But whether they choose to warn us about it is another matter. In the early hours of February 4th, 2017, Annette Shanahan woke up feeling ill and light-headed. She got out of bed and only made it a few feet before collapsing into a chair. Unbeknownst to Annette, she was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Her husband, Kevin, would have continued to sleep and likely both would have succumbed if it were not for the family cat, Gracie. Kevin was woken by a furious pounding on the bedroom door. He got out of bed ready to yell at the cat when he saw Annette in the chair. He realized something was wrong and called 911
4: Willie the Parrot
2006 – Denver, Colorado: Meagan and Samantha were both college students sharing an apartment. Samantha had a 2-year-old daughter who Meagan would watch when Samantha had classes, and Meagan had a pet parrot named Willie.
3: The Thanksgiving Day Fire
4:47 a.m. Thanksgiving Day: the San Mateo Fire Department receives a call regarding a garage fire. By the time firefighters arrived the fire had engulfed the garage and spread to the neighbor’s house. The couple and neighbor had all made it outside and were safe. But the couple—whose house was ablaze—told firefighters there was one more member of the family still trapped inside the inferno: the family cat. Firefighters knew that the chances of the cat’s survival were slim. They entered the house to put out the fire and to their amazement found the cat, singed but still alive.
2: Lulu the Pot-Bellied Pig
No list of amazing animal saves is complete without the infamous story of Lulu the pot-bellied pig. In 1998, Lulu’s owner Jo Ann collapsed on the floor of her home and screamed for help, but no one could hear her cries. That is, except, for Lulu.
1: Pig Organs
Although this is technically a future animal save, it still deserves the number one spot, and you will soon understand why. Every month, more than 2,000 new names are added to the national waiting list for organ transplants, which has over 120,000 patients according to the Department of Health and Human Services. The average waiting period is 7 years for a new kidney, but most patients will die before they can receive one. The biggest problem facing people waiting for organs is the lack of donors. About 22 people die every day while waiting for an organ transplant in the United States which has led to a burgeoning black market in Europe and Asia.


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About the Author: They will Kill You


  1. The last one is nothing to be proud of, imagine the complications or mutations that will arise. We don't need pig people or vise versa, it's not natural & will bite humanity back hard as fuck.

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