NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 13 – 19 june2021 Climate changе! disasters 2021 flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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just Nuclear-Weapons (even if it's just toughing it-in the ocean-or sky-it's still effects the earth)
and Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) cause that type of unbelievable atmospheric-dissusters
wonder who are NASA
It's not Climate Change*. It is CLIMATE SHIFT* and there is proof that has been covered up since Obama was in office and the Dems have managed to keep it covered up using their narrative of Climate Change and it being the fault of the Human Race. There was a scientific expedition that sowed that the poles of our planet have SHIFTED, as much as 7 cm at each end of the earth. So, what happens is that weather systems are changing and areas that were once dry and close to being desert are no becoming tropic and wet. Example this story about an area of Mexico that is usually quite aired and dry. But, they have had a record amount of rain in the past 2 years. Then you have South west and the Northwest of the US which has had record draughts and temperatures well above the norm for the whole west coast of the US and if you really do some checking and examine these so-called natural disasters that are taking place all over Europe and the middle east you will see that over the last 4 years whole areas have had dramatic changes in climate and the type of plant life and wildlife being attracted to these areas. The Governments like the US should wake up and stop playing games. Because the biggest threat to the human population will be the eventual evacuation or moving large population to habitable areas for future survival and the movement of crops for food and water availability. But like always they will drag their feet and in the end its the people who will pay the price.
It's sad to see what some nations goes tru around the world, i have to say thank God i am from Trinidad, and we don't experience those type of disasters.
The difference between climate disasters and earthquakes. Climate disasters are now a regular every day occurence and earthquakes are not.
Just send positive energy and love vibrations to those who going thru it and help if u can…..
U people Trying to make god seems like an ordinary politician/dictator/gangleader smh. Oppressing people to follow them smh wtf.
If there is a God the person is not like man. Y wud he do a human thing such as doing these things bcaz ppl don't worship God smh.
Natural disaster has nothing to do with religion people. Stop this crazy talk. The world is just cleansing itself/herself
I just give a damn about all the cars.
Man induced weather manipulation.
Alhamdulillah ..
Good 👍👍👍👍👍
It’s not climate change, it’s called God is pissed.
DATE ME ➡️ https://ok.me/f3yg
#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、
Czech Republic had the strongest tornado in History 3 days ago. F3/F4. At least 5 people killed and 200 hurt.
Earth is reactivating
Isso não e outra coisa a não ser a mão de Deus arrependam se enquanto e tempo
Deus está avisando que Ele está vindo aí buscar a sua noiva
E assim que Deus faz com terra que não aceita a sua palavra aceita Jesus enquanto e tempo porque a porta da Graça vai se fechar
Man!! The western United States needs that kind of water bad!!! But, sadly our government won’t let it rain just chem trails!!?
How sad it is we all are here in California!!
All Non-Muslims must surrender against God of Islam who is only ALLAH (اللہ) otherwise you'll be punished more by the Command and Power of ALLAH (اللہ) because The Legend of ALLAH (اللہ) has COME in the 21st Century by His power, might, help, support and command Like A Storm The World can NO LONGER ignore anymore.
Obliquity magnetic north changes according to our position relative the galactic be lge with the ice age Aphelion being at 21.5 degrees and perihelion tropical age being when obliquity magnetic north reaches 24.5 degrees.
As the temperature rises so to does the altitude at which the dew Point condensation occurs. Change being the operative word in climate change.
The Precession of the north star (crossing the galactic plane) causes our climate cycles of continental glaciers with lower sea levels Dwarka atlantis's brought on by E-W Global tsunamis that freeze onto the continents.
Every 13 thousand years our solar system crosses over our galaxies electromagnetic gravitational equator causing E-W Global tsunamis that freeze into the continental glaciers lowering sea levels.
The last time we crossed the galactic plane was the geological younger dryas layer or the hen Gobekli Tepe was buried by 19 different global tsunamis spanning MILLENNIA.
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our Climate Cycles.
Covid like co2 is a lie built upon an inconvenient truth.
The baby boomers who were born enmass 75 years ago are starting to die from the usual suspects of seasonal FLU pneumonia and old age.
Revelations 13 16-18
Unless you wear the covidiot MASK of the beast. With the mask being a pretext for the final solution heavy metal vaccine.
Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race with only one minority the individual human.