Elephant foot curry by 106 Granny

Elephant foot curry by 106 Granny
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Delicious Elephant foot Curry by Country foods


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About the Author: Country Foods


  1. People here thinking she cooked a real Elephant Foot, I over here thought she went to Chernobyl and came back with the all deadly “Elephants Foot” from reactor 4’s basement…??‍♀️ You can’t blame me, from the thumbnail, the vege looked like the Chernobyl Elephant Foot…

  2. Kitchen cleanliness surely is not their concern. Yuck!
    I can literally see the germs jumping from that century old "cutting board“ with the fixed blade. Disgusting!

  3. I read the Comments FIRST. Was afraid to Watch. Thought it would be a REAL Elephant Foot. I just watched the video with the Butter Chicken and Butter Naan Recipe. That is Some BLAZING HOT Food. With All the Peppers and other Spices. ?

  4. I only liked and commented on this because of the icon that kept popping up with Granny holding the canon camera telling me to do so. So adorable lol Food looks amazing by the way.

  5. Amazing comments..Americans raising hell about other cultures and what they eat..who cares if it was an elephant..who are we as humans to tell others what's right and wrong because we don't like it or the idea of it disagrees with our own beliefs..people are disgusting and self centered

  6. I had to "google" it . I thought it looked like some kind of potatoe or beet. I learned something NEW today? "elephant foot" is a Yam. ???

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