Top 6 Moments Lion Have Lost

Top 6 Moments Lion Have Lost
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As you know, Lions are known as the king of the forest. With high level reflexes, strong instincts and magnificent courage, no one of us has any doubt about the lion’s strength and hunting ability. Right?

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About the Author: WILD VERSUS


  1. It so funny to watch an animal be tortured by another animal. I get it that this is part of the animal kingdom but someone that finds it funny needs therapy.

  2. I didnt know that Lions lived in the forest. I thought they lived in the plains of Africa. Tigers on the other hand, they live in a jungle or as I call them forest.

  3. The guy should shut up and let us enjoy the clips. The commentator ruined this whole video. Hope you read this whoever’s responsible so you can make better videos in the future. Thanks, have a nice day!

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