Amazing Wildlife & Mysterious Discoveries! | ORIGINS EXPLAINED COMPILATION 19

Amazing Wildlife & Mysterious Discoveries! | ORIGINS EXPLAINED COMPILATION 19
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About the Author: Origins Explained


  1. I’m okay with the natural disasters you know it’s just Mother Nature doing her thing. One the other have pesticides and deforestation is a bad thing because even though we see them as pests then they have an important rule in life so do the forests. I for one do not wanna see the day we live In a concrete jungle

  2. God if we keep doing what we doin this world is gonna be known as the concrete planet. I love animals and it’s important to save all the habitats. I don’t get why people think taking it from them would serve a purpose animal play an important part of life and the ecosystem

  3. I would love to see you guys take on the various theories behind the 'rubbish' rock art of the Kimberly region.
    Possibly also how certain African plants suddenly appeared in Oceania.

  4. Hate seeing species we making go extant. They may deliver something we fond we need vital. But recent attempts to bring back giant predors like dianosors, who I think killed so we might flourish.

  5. You should keep in the "here are 10 of the rarest animals" or "9 amazing recent archaeological discoveries" part when you do these

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