6 Crocodile Encounters You'll Regret Clicking On

6 Crocodile Encounters You'll Regret Clicking On
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6 Crocodile Encounters You’ll Regret Clicking On

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Watch the FULL crocodile encounters playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDW80JRAkuE&list=PLqREUt1n_PzfaE4Fupxqr-prN5SfXP1Iu

Credit to the owners of these clips:
#6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGd2nygp3xs
#5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPihgNs_d90
#4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea4wyhw6wG0
#3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xev1FqbPR0
#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdWDP996XjM
#1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk6PnJoB7Aw

In this compilation video, we go over multiple clips from saltwater crocodile attacks and alligator encounters. What makes these ”caught on camera” moments so scary is the fact that they were filmed in remote areas like rivers, swamps, lakes, billabongs in Texas, Florida Everglades or even Australia.

We feature a clip where a man dives into water and nearly gets attacked by an alligator, a few men in a rafting boat fight off a crocodile, police officers in north carolina control an alligator, a man in africa gets bitten by a crocodile, a fisherman in Florida encounters an allgator and an Indonesian man hand feeds a huge crocodile.

Scary animal encounters with crocodiles and alligators are actually way more common than you might think. They often happen to people who are swimming, fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, boating or duck hunting.

It just turns out that some of them were lucky enough to capture footage of these near death experiences that almost went wrong on camera and go pro. This leads to some very creepy videos and ”man vs crocodile” moments.

Get ready, because these alligator vs man moments could easily be considered near death experiences are sure to give you the chills.

Submit your videos here (include youtube link if possible): clawsforsubmissions@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to clawsforbusiness@gmail.com.


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About the Author: Claws


  1. It seems like those people often forget about the fact that crocs and gators are not just always hungry – they are also very territorial, even more if they defend breeding areas and when it's mating time…

  2. I hate the croc in the yard was abused it killed me. Like you live where they live you canโ€™t do that to them.. Iโ€™m a huge animal person, I am personally afraid but I would NEVER do this. I would calmly approach and talk to it until it left like? ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–

  3. American fisherman running from an Alligator lying on the grass. Meanwhile little native man hand feeds giant crocodile by hand. And does not flinch when the croc lunges at him.

  4. no.5… is that riska the croc? however i always love your content.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ easy to understand when you speak in your video, i'm not good in english but i understand. thanks mr.claws๐Ÿ‘

  5. I like your videos, they are a nice way of getting closer with amazing predators and other cool animals. But why do you have to use phrases like "the angry animal" or " the agressive …". And also things like " the unsuspecting tourists. Every thing that these animals do are 100% reasonable because they live on their instincts. You make it sound like the animals are the reason for these "close" encounters. But infact all these persons are wrong to get in their enviroment in the first place. So please stop saying that. You let people think that animals are something that they obviously are not. Every person in your videos is just dumb to be close to these animals its their own fault(if you are smart you dont go near places where these kind of animals live and you are fine) None of this would happen if the humans would understand that its the best to leave these beautiful animals on their own

  6. L 2,9k ๐Ÿ””

    Hello friend!

    "6 Crocodile Encounters You'll Regret Clicking On "

    Your videos are amazing enough to impress others.

    What I can see in this video is to make it enjoyable for someone to watch.

    A spirit of motivating and inspiring others is well expressed in your content.

    Keep uploading good videos, you will be successful !

    Have a wonderful day?God bless you always.always.always..

  7. last video is from indonesian youtuber and the wild crocodile is part of his family name riska location in borneo island, indonesia. it already viral and this crocodile riska is a female crock, he usually gives food go to its nest or the crock sometime come to his village for asking food

  8. the last croc named "Riska" …the 25 years old female croc with the old man "Pak Ambo" ….you guys should search the youtube channel "Fitriyani Riska" and then you will know why the old man was not even flinch on this video……..

  9. Wouldnt wanna be in a wide river, with the current running, and a croc attacking. Beating the water probably isnt helping as much as hurting. You fall in that water, its all but over. All the clips were awesome. Was fun to watch. Great video

  10. Brilliant channel! No bs, str8 to the point, and great actually frightening animal footage I havent seen! Please do not stop uploading great content and keep up the fantastic work!

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