Surviving Meteor Shower in a BUNKER in the Stormworks Natural Disasters Update! Today we play with the Natural Disasters Update in Stormworks Build and Rescue. This update includes Meteor Showers, Tornados, Hurricanes, Volcanos, and MORE!
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Check out these games:
Stormworks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MzzaCQ3vI4&list=PLN_hC9GPyucy8yGaIx77x32jWnc-yuf8z
Mon Bazou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qwRrAeCIWk&list=PLN_hC9GPyucxY3UruoqRnO3YFHyiCz0vx
In regards to the bunker disappearing: creations completely despawn if the core block is destroyed. I had this happen when I was in a boat and was directly hit by a meteor.
Should hit missles bombs and maby a nule on the bunker in multi-player. And maby find more or make some
I know why the bunker disapeared.
Idea: tornado vs ship
Sorry of anyone had comment that
If i copy your idea
Let me know
POV California 1:46
Play a game of Top Trumps with ships using all the new effects, basically just bombard OB for fun
I miss tiny town vr
I love it so much.
Can you do the same thing but with ob and spy
Where is the bunker????
The bunker got hit so hard it get removed from the game 🤣
Meteors hitting boats arent that cool because the ship despawns, just like search and destroy.
Tornado vs fast car
Do a rocket landing in fire tornadoes
Try surviving meteor shower with a mech.
They should a fire tornados and water spouts
win is spycakes comeing back
The reason the bunker exploded:
In a logical sense, the meteorites count as a "Huge" size explosion. This is typically enough to destroy a creation. On that note, if an explosion of sufficient size hits a creation of the right size, said creation will instantly vanish, destroying/damage and killing anything or anybody too close to it.
Don't worry… People drive towards tornadoes all the time.You should make a movie
you should do plane vs metro shower.
you said my friends name Ash
I wanna see if you can survive a tsunami in that bunker
What ever the meteor hits it destroys anything also adon bunkers don't work
we need more multiplayer with the update
I preordered a steam deck and I looked the stormworks is listed as playable I am hyped
Play Free fire Max
Idea: use the Orion rescue ship from a vid a long time ago and survive a metor strike
What disasters should we do next?
When a vehicle gets directly hit by a meteor it gets deleted, even with a mission
I think it’s to do with avoid lag with to much damage
Camodo, do you think can you survive a nuclear blast in the bunker?
theres a bug where if more then 1meteor hits a boat or thing it just vanishes
If the tornado doesn’t pick you up Spawn It again
Camodo the bunker disappeared because the explosion was so big. When an explosion is a certain amount bigger than a vehicle than it will dissappear.
Extra igrica💪😎
The tornado at 9:48 is a natural tornado. The ones you can spawn, appear near you.
Play scp roleplay on roblox and idk if u played the game there a car game called greenvill
What a coincidence, I was watching you're old stormworks videos!!
excited to see stormworks!!!
Plan ride and a tornado spawned and you crash land on a volcano island but there’s a plane there then the volcano erupts after you escape you will have damage so your flying low and a tsunami spawned you survive crash land near a bunker and another tsunami spawned so then you go there but the door won’t shut it’s a lot to read but think the idea is good
I want to see a dragon attack next, we already have the megalodon so why not?