People are suffocating! Incredible sandstorm covered the capital of Saudi Arabia Riyadh

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Brief description of this video Dubai: An intense sandstorm has engulfed Saudi Arabia’s capital of Riyadh on Friday, wrapping the city in overwhelming residue mists that hampered perceivability, influenced temperatures and caused significant traffic delays.
Despite being inconsistent to take place in this season, the tempest still made ominous conditions, creating warm conditions, with the maximum temperature at 30°C and minimum at 16°C.
The humidity level was pegged at 20 per cent with the wind speed in Riyadh recording about 29kmph.
The Saudi Traffic Department in Riyadh has warned road users and drivers to be extremely cautious and to drive gradually while using headlights consistently.
Individuals with respiratory conditions were additionally advised to abstain from going outside where conceivable.
The Saudi Civil Defense also urged the public to take precautions as sandstorms swept the capital.
In a statement, the civil defense urged people to stay at home, especially those with respiratory illnesses.
The channel lists natural disasters such as:
1) emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, collapse, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: flood, tsunami, limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire, glass fire, forest fire;
4) Extreme meteorological situations: Tornado, Cyclone, Snowstorm, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, Typhoon, Storm, Lightning.
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About the Author: Planet News


  1. Read The Quran, is the truth from God

    Quran 2:155-156, We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure, who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to God we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.”

  2. Покайтеся люди покайтеся в грехах своих сугубо :отрицайтеся льжи илицемерия продажнаго; не служите диаволу кой есть тьма изло; ибо души тех кто ему служит ; он уволокет во ад скую пропасть во вечно .

  3. I know what time will be no more disasters (all) then after all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ not to allah because Jesus Christ don't like allah and killing and all bad things so all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ, pray to God who is in heaven in Jesus name and repent to Jesus Christ AMEN

  4. MARCH 5, 2022 DECREE.

    No government, local, state or national, may control what or how a person expresses religious beliefs. Freedom of speech is an inalienable right protected by the U. S. Constitution and will not be violated. The same plight that Congress is experiencing in illness and death will befall any all all court judges and law makers who rule against this decree.

    All laws permitting same-sex marriages and abortion will be struck down immediately.
    No more delays. End all abortion policies and procedures; make any and all abortions felony class A offenses, punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison, with no opportunity for parole for ten years.

    Now, the same sickness and death conditions as in the U. S. Congressional House and Senate increased to include all responsible for upholding, writing, issuing, and sponsoring laws and mandates that are in direct opposition to the laws if God Almighty.

    Worldwide Executions.
    Do not delay.
    Right the Way! Be/
    03/05/22. 10:22 PM ET

  5. बिन सलमान अजिज सहा ईबलिस 😈 कि मोत होनि चाहिए,उसे फासि दो,,ओव ऐवधि से मिला है वैक्सिन देकर दूनिया पै राज करना चाहता है ओव ओर मोदि फिरोन अमित शाह योगि आदित्यानाथ राउल गांधी उद्धव ठाकरे अखिलेश यादव, इजराइल,के राष्ट्रपति,बिटिस यूक्रेन अमैरिका,,ऐ सब पूरि दूनिया पर हूकूमत लाने के लिए ऐसा कर रहे है,,मै मोहम्मद नबि का बेटा आखरि 👳 मैरा सूनो ईन सब को फासि दो,,

  6. All Praises And Glory To The Most High Almighty For His Righteous Wrath And Judgement That Has Come Upon The Earth. 🙏

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