5 SCARY Videos You'll WATCH And SCREAM After!

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The 3X 5 SCARY Videos You’ll WATCH And SCREAM After!
The SCARIEST videos of paranormal activity CAUGHT on camera. A TOP 10 list of scary shadow figures, ghosts, poltergeist activity, demons caught on video and other supernatural activity. Are these videos REAL or FAKE?. Hi folks. In today’s episode of 5 SCARY Videos You’ll WATCH And SCREAM After! You’ll see: Scary tiktok video where we will see a dangerous situation. A group of ghost hunters who went on a paranormal investigation where they managed to record a real ghost on camera. A paranormal phenomenon captured by women and a shadowy figure in a haunted hospital. Creepy, scary, unexplained and bizarre things caught on tape.
Check my other videos:
10 SCARY Ghost Videos To WATCH This SPRING!

5 SCARY Videos To CREEP You OUT!

5 SCARY Ghost Videos That’ll SCARE You!


Subscribe for more videos of the scariest ghosts caught on video, scary videos, unsolved mysteries, haunted places, creepy stories, paranormal activity, mysterious creatures, UFOs, Aliens, basically scariest things ever found in internet.
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00:00 Intro
00:10 Number 1
01:24 Number 2
09:37 Number 3
10:49 Number 4
12:31 Number 5
The Squad
Nuke’s Top 5
Sir Spooks
Shadow Man
#scaryvideos #ghosts #caughtoncamera #scary #ghost #top10 #december #ghostvideos


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About the Author: The 3X


  1. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  2. it's a bit convenient how frequently some of these channels spot "ghosts" cough people wandering around wearing bedsheets cough
    i believe in the paranormal, but come on; you don't find visible apparitions every time you set foot out of the house…

  3. the last one was hilarious, especially the guys talking they sounded all fast and ridiculous, they kept saying the same thing like I used to as a kid when I was pretending to speak a different language. Too much.

  4. Hi I like you to no
    I have esp impact and talk to died pleople I know u think am off they wall but the people that knows me o senoteve
    You have maney great story I did say can spell well🙂

  5. The first one is absolutely a phony a big fat phony or they wouldn't keep backing up everytime it was about to come into the shine of the headlights! Well, sorry to say these are all fake except the wheelchair that ones just gravity! 👻

  6. No.1 is just like a prank, you can imagine if you a person what will you do? if me i would use high beam light to see it was person or not, second why their any ghost or stalker on wider area like outer land. If the road are on forest maybe that could be ghost but this is totally fake, i know about tiktok video so many fake ghost video😒😒 even the girl try to back her car lol…

  7. #4–Any video by The Fam, James, Omar/OmarGosh, or G Team Paranormal are all faked. They’re all friends from the west-central coast of Florida. I’ve seen their humble beginnings, and they had NOTHING to do with the paranormal! They only started “paranormal investigations” because it’s such a huge YouTube platform.

  8. Y is it, these so-called investigators, especially spanish n italian speaking ones, act like kids at DisneyLand, over-excitied, constantly screamin 4 their Mama givin little girls a bad name, if u cnt handle it, stay at effing home, what happened to staying calm n bein composed?💀👻😦😨😤😢😥

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