From the shallow waters of a sandy beach to the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, the ocean is a vast and mysterious world. In fact, humans have only really explored less than 10% percent of it. So what are we missing? Turns out, ALOT, if these videos have anything to do with it. You
will not believe the big secrets the deep sea is revealing…15 Most Shocking Moments Caught In Middle of the Ocean
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Lilly came with 3 oh he oh Lilly 👀
No lilly no
War fish it up
Flat Fish you up
See also Andy wake up
Sandy hey wake up
What a load of crap. I'm embarrassed for you uploading this
I think that’s a smiley face ballon that is bubbling that fell its to ocean
Thanks for this
The world is not warming. It's not "mother" nature, just nature.
This is clearly 1 of our pyramids
That aircraft carrier photo is fake
Shocked the whole world. Pfffffffff!
Looked like a giant sand dollar alive,
It's the radiation just like Godzilla and Mothra,
That landslide had nothing to do with global warming.
What is with the fake pictures the aircraft carrier Bermuda triangle man you just lost another viewer
the best vids are the ones with no adds.
# sweet topic it looks like a build up of ships on top of each other and then the navy aircraft carrier on top lol CGI
You ever wonder why they abandoned that place in 2004?
Sounds like like a rip off from The Supreme
Where is this former coastline with the air bnbs?
Not sure if this is poppycock or balderdash
That was a HE That was running 😳
Clickbait thumbnail
The world has been shocked since the globalist nazi sprayed us with a biological weapon. Nothing else is shocking now child.
That aircraft carrier picture is so false on many levels, not the least of which is the fact that visibility underwater is NEVER as clear as that. It would be impossible to see the whole of a ship that large underwater; unless it is a model.
Looks like a good scrap expedition to me
The Bermuda Triangle isn't mythical. It actually exists
don't bother to watch, it is just more global warming propaganda.
I think the first is like u said and is actually a stingray there are one that grow in a circle shape
I would never go boating with creature's like that😜holy🤬 scary!
The round creature just looks like an old formed piece of shaped concrete which could have supported a bridge in past decades, there are 12 or so near where I live in Cruden Bay.
bro that scene is from hoteltransalvania 3 dum spot