Ace sacrificed his life to save Luffy's life, Luffy broke down after Ace's death

Ace sacrificed his life to save Luffy's life, Luffy broke down after Ace's death
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Ace sacrificed his life to save Luffy’s life, Luffy broke down after Ace’s death
#luffy #zoro
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About the Author: Luffy Smile


  1. にわかでも分かる。エースなんて人気キャラもっと華を持たせて死なすべきだった。
    the 漫画的事情での退場なのは致し方無いとしてみんなの活躍や頑張りを無に返しすぎでしょ

  2. I was so hurt by his death. I was trying so hard to hold in my tears I was in p a i n. I watched one of my favorite characters get a hole punched through his stomach.

  3. Ready for Luffy to either bust out his King Kong Gun or gear 5 lol, this hurts sooo bad😭Akainu is probably his sworn Enemy at this point

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