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What I'm hearing here is we have to go back to whaling
This was hard to watch. Thanks for making it……a timely reminder of the damage people do to the environment.
It's a shame alot of traders still try to find comfort in this unstable market either in STOCK or CRYPTO of lately, but the truth is that most traders tend to gamble with their assets this days by not taking advantage and proper study of the market to know where is right for them to invest. Although bitcoin has been unstable for some time, it is still wise to go into day trading now so as to grow the little we hold ahead of the upcoming bull market. so far have been successful in trading since i started following Daniel Easton's daily signals and guidance* ….. Winning has been on my side and have been able to grow my portfolio 💼 strongly, In 8 weeks i was able to grow my 0.9btc portfolio to 6.5 btc …. thanks to him……
Why that turtle got a waist trainer on l.o.l
First story- "We think they solved their issues by planting crops that take a lot of water……"
Man, I wish I'd find some buried gold coins or something.
Guess what's about to happen to America? (and plenty of other places in the world) …this might sound awfully negative, but don't count on anyone stepping in to offer to feed or help us – our leaders have lied and cheated and stolen their way into the hearts of our enemies – and offered us up as a sacrifice in the process.
…and the sad part is, I know all the government is going to do is lie yet again and try to place the entire blame on Russia – because all their other schemes, including a certain virus, are collapsing on on themselves. This is more or less the standard formula with government, but especially the current US government. Things aren't going there way, suddenly there's a violent incent or tragedy, and like magic, people are talking about that instead of their government officials betrayals and failures – which they often perpetrated, which is on record in SO MANY cases – here's just one example: the "kidnapping" plot against Gretchen Whitmer, a governor. I believe that was the case where over half of the people identified involved in the plot, were on FBI payroll – actual agents.
Apply that betrayal to everything else – our collapse is not just being ignored, it's engineered by the people who are meant to be saving us. Don't worry though, they'll be fine, because they've been doing more than enough insider trading (on both sides – both parties) to never have to worry about starvation or lack of shelter or any of that. You on the other hand… well, they're also helping companies like Blackrock to buy up all property at prices no normal potential homeowner can compete with, and allowing guys like Bill G/tes to turn as much US farmland as possible (he's the largest owner of it now) into yet ANOTHER monopoly. I won't even get into the "jab" aspect… since my comment would be removed if I did…
This probably seems awfully random, but I've been trying to spread the word about what these animals are doing for years now… and I've been met with scorn the entire time… just trying to warn people, if you don't prepare for this – and their other assaults on you, you're setting yourself up for a fall you have little chance of surviving…
Sorry to be a downer, but people need to take this seriously… – it should be abundantly clear after the last 2-3 years, that these kinds of things CAN and DO happen even in the USA. The people still living in willful ignorance because it makes them feel safer … it's honestly depressing to see even now the public are often still in such a state of complacency and naivety that they're willing to disregard things happening right in front of them because the alternative acknowledgement simply scares them. Good luck people – I wish I were more prepared than I am, and I actually took steps … most people have not. Most people haven't even gotten a small supply of water aside from their sink… let alone any substantial amount of food and protection.
I sincerely wish us all luck, and if you don't pray you might want to consider starting. You likely only have a couple months left before you'll find empty shelves at the grocery store more often than not – and that situation is going to spiral out of control as time passes, because these issues are LEGISLATED AND PROVOKED …by the ones meant to prevent them.
Turks were much mich farthet away them today in agypts prime time
Wonder if that #1 was the instance mentioned in genesis…
I was at one of the most remote beaches near Cape Flattery in Washington State last weekend and I wanted to cry. It was the beach with the most small pieces of plastic I have ever seen. I spend a lot of time on the beaches of Washington State looking for seaglass and this beach was the most remote, but had the most plastic. Sadly ironic
You titled this wrong
that dingbat voice bot makes this unwatchable
Does this woman ever take a breath l normally like listening to these topics but lm exhausted after 10 minutes lm not going any further
This is real Buffalo skeleton and it's head is bigger than me they were huge before they made them extinct that's so sad that people have to do this kind of stuff we could be rich all of us beyond anything no we got to destroy everything
The "dancing trees" "normally form that shape" because of persistent wind while saplings. The trees all seem the same age. I majored in Forestry in college, and learned every damn thing there is to know about trees. This is what usually causes the trunk to bend at the base. This forest is on the coast. The constant breeze on the trees as they grew caused the trunk to grow curved like that. There is another phenomenon being reported on certain channel of waving trees. It's called Tropism. I just saw it myself while our hunting Morels this week. Sometimes the leaves just flitter in no wind, as sugars and water moves thru the plant and it's trying to face the sun so they "move" normally it's not noticeable, but sometimes one limb will have one or two leaves moving all alone, no wind, nothing else moving. Tropism is supposed to explain it, but it is odd to see just one leaf on a tree rapidly moving back and forth without a spider web, or gossamer or bugs.
I think America
Is about to see the same thing
It’s going to be more of the line
There is no food in my stores
Dang I like listening to these right before bed. Good info
Does anyone else watch these and are so combing but some are just like okay it’s a gold ring with a design. How much more creative could they be and then be so surprised they are doing what we do now. Maybe they aren’t advanced and we are just slow 🤣
Is it possible for the sandstone to be newer and made by very artistic person or even child.
The jar with holes was to store garlic. That is my thinking and like always I could be wrong
Bags just like that were found at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
Say hey katrina thanku
I love the topics you so eloquently touch upon. Always really interesting and well summoned up content leaving me with much to ponder. Never heard of the Eagles Nest before, really neat. And, yes I has a wonderful fossilized ferns leaf in a clear piece of quartz that much mom bought me at a used store ages ago, sadly it was stolen. And about the plastic, there are not just plastic fibres found as deep as the Marianna Trench, but bags there and well. Really glad you focused on this! Very needed, as even the fibres clog gills. Thanks for giving hope for a turnaround when it seems like there isn't one! And Thank you for all of your wonderful videos🙏👌
I live near Fort Vancouver and heard about some of the discoveries and seen the digs. Your bringing up the discoveries of the buttons caught my attention.
Every action has a reaction we have one planet and one choice to save it
That stone from NC looks like Paleo Rock Art, I live in Western NC and theres alot of it here.
Hi katrina!
Hiiii KATRINAAAA 🎉❤ I missed this morning but I’m definitely about to catch up!!
I love it when I get the notification pop up saying "Someone has liked your comment!" or "You have a new subscriber!" That makes my day!!!🍍🤗
Excellent! !