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6:31 the hanging guys is saying "Save me", the other says "I can't, I'm filming it!". 😉
The person who is reading this
You’re amazing stay blessed, stay safe and have a amazing rest of your day
Yayyy!You're a queen😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The guys laugh at 3:05 lol😂
3:25 that was her way of saying: I am just being nice to you because we are being recorded but I really don't want to :-s
We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He's given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He's comin' back again
Very Nice Bro! Get Good People!
There is a special place in hell for idiots that can't put their own bag in in an overhead bin
Captioning a screaming face with "*SCREAMS*" seems kinda condescending to deaf people or whoever it is these gigantic weird subtitles are meant to be for. Though it is kind of neat how you get to see which swear word was bleeped out because the caption says "S**T!"
0:24 my phone just happened to buffer right when she was upside down with her legs spread. 🤣🤣
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3:01 He took your BAAAAAGGG ??!!!😁😅🤣😂
1:07 …Amber?
He guy driving the car, could of pulled over to let the snake out so that the engine could burn him. And the dope in the plane could even put his little suitcase in the top.
The lady on the joy ride sure needs a exorcist
8:14 Oh yes, let's take a video of our toddler falling asleep and shoving a big bite of food in her mouth so she chokes. Smh
The laughing is usually funnier than the fail. Even the guy with corona at 3:10
1:13 🤣🤣🤣
I really want to zipline one day but I'll end up on here
1:59 ni dormida se queda tan quieta en esa posición.
1:08 is me walking into work at 7am every morning
These are vacation successes because they still had fun
banyakan gaya sih lu
I CAN'T, the chic on waterside ! 😂🤣🤣🤣
1:58 Light as a feather, STIFF as a board!!
Nicki Minaj went down gags more like chokes that guy was choking on his bling on that ride
ΓΑΜΑΘ?? 5:02
3:13 Call child safety. One day that dad will get his daughters' face all cut up and ruined.
1:59 RIP
1:30 Ass sliced but prevented broken back. Damn.
Nice to see Elon Musk at 2.44 😆
1:58 the collective groan when she slammed into the water… everyone felt her pain. 🤣
Hello from UKRAINE 🇺🇦
Dad with the baby going down the slide doesn't make sure the path is clear??? WTF?
girl was really scared to death of that lil monkey bruh- only way he becomes a threat if you physically threaten him.
Windshield wiper but snaker
0:20 i didn't know that them rides went upside down
2:30 Lol
1:41 The monkey looked so human like a defiant toddler with more hair 🤣👶🏻🙈 The monkey even looked back like the mom "said don't do it" and he waved her off.
When I saw the girl on the roller coaster I was like omg that would be me on that ride lol 😆 😂
Why the fuck you blure wine glass???
1:42 what monkey is this