Jim Woodford was brain dead for 11 hours after accidental overdose of his prescription medications. He was suffering from Guillain-Barré Syndrome. He had an out of body experience and he was taken to heaven. He went through a tunnel of light. He was found himself standing on the edge of Heaven and utter darkness.
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This video is from Sid Roth’s Supernatural!
Click here to order copy of The Heaven Package (2 Books & 2-CD Set) by Jim Woodford: http://bit.ly/2y4cDPU
To see more testimonies of heaven and hell,
grey green and blue eye color just like the painting
May God save us all from our sins .i mean God Who Jesus himself prayed to. Cuz there's none n noone besides or equal to Him. I believe in God the One n Only n all His prophets and messengers.
To all the worshippers, it’s just a reality frame. All part of the transition, you will see what you need to see by the higher consciousness system. We’re moving past dogma now.. It’s usually the “worshippers” who have the most lessons to learn when crossing over.
In Yeshua name all glory to the most high ???
Love you lord jesus and God. Please forgive me for any sins
Hey… Look everyone! Its WHITE Jesus!
Good, from now on, don't vote for Satan Trump and that creature will not appear. It's because that good old boy mentality and kings of the world dominance is what brought that creature to you in the first place. You should be accepting of the poor, needy and hungry. Doesn't matter the situation, yours or thiers. What matters is that you find good in all people and treat them well. It's all a test, nothing is real here on Earth. It was put there as a test to see how you will react and treat others. Too bad, Trump Supporters all failed. Very evil people.
this is a joke
Why the fuck would a god do this cruel shit to someone? Such bullshit. “Oh sorry, you just had to die in a treacherous way with pain n torture, but hey, here’s a giant horrifying fucking monster ready to eat your soul”… thanks god… you’re swell. Love? What kind of god would do that to his children? He doesn’t fucking exist. Take a look around the world n wake the fuck up
I wonder how much he got paid for this bullshit
This is a fucking god damned joke
Your loved ones come and protect you. Angels are your dead relatives.
wow……this guy took some bad acid.
Ill believe it when I see it
he lie
Christian is so scary… petty much like Communist — my way is the only way
So learning never ends? First time I hear this.It's good to know you will have many, many things to learn including the mysteries of God.I guess heaven never has a dull moment!!! People need to know this!!! ???☺
If its so lovely to be in heaven, why be here in the first place. It dont make sense so fake asf
you must forgive and forget so that you can see heaven
So we can live our life in sin and then as long as you ask for forgiviness god will take u in. Ok!!! He faced a hell creature that was massive and right behind him but it wasnt quick enough to snatch him up?!? He met jesus and didnt ask jesus any SERIOUS questions. They never do
7:59 THE HEAVEN PACKAGE! Exclusive 2 Books & 2-Part Audio CD Teaching. They made a story, wrote a book, create cd's…
Come on now! I don't want to say that clinical deaths are not true, but this one looks like made for money.
What exactly did you do to deserve eternal punishment? Work hard and fly a jet? He's not a serial killer. What he saw was a projection of himself when he had a near death.
I was brain dead for 11 hours and somehow I got brought back to life….. even though I was brain dead! Are these people stupid? Or are they just trying to chat shit so that we believe them? Because last time I checked, brain dead means dead, no coming back, so we wouldn't even know if he saw heaven or not anyways. I mean, what, do they think the heart is the brain now? Or did he just fall asleep and had a dream about being in heaven and he thought, "shit, I'm in heaven now!" Because sometimes I have those dreams
its beautiful thank you T_T
Jesus is not God, Jesus is a great prophet.
I love you god your my hero ?
God with all my heart and soul forgive me for all the sins i have commited clean me with your light and blood and you are welcome to be with me forever, amen
He wants us to show that it's for his Glory and not for ours.
He had this illness because God was breaking him to make him humble. When you are humble I'm guessing it goes away. A pastor talked about this, and it's not something you can deal with or be ok with. It's usually something that will get you killed. But you surprisingly can still do certain things which the medical field says you can't which shows it's God.
This video makes me realize i need to spread the word of Jesus to more ppl. I dont want anyone to be subject to that evil creature and drawn into that pit.
Forgive me Lord. I don't wanna waste away my life
am i the only one that believes this is fake ?
Seems to me he was riding a really bad high off of pain pills. Pretty silly what people will believe. There is no hell! The only hell is the world we live in. I just don’t understand how people are so naive. I truly believe this is all made up
This is not what happened & does not look like, in fact Heaven is more about lights, the absolute joy and absolute undeniable, feeling, of love and being surrounded in that love along with other lights surrounding you, this is an actual fact, and then you are reincarnated until you learn the lessons that you need to be learnt and you see another world, so another dimension that is meant for you.
Jesus does whatever good we do through us. Guilt giving is not good. That is what was given. Demons fear Gods light not the light of angels. That was Satan's prison.
Show them light, Allah
Why would god wanna give this man so much pain . Cuz he didn’t believe in him .. think he was just getting old
Angels dont have wings
Really? Try losing your son? All that stupid Hollywood effects? This guy is so full of bull.part of me hates this guy. Part of me loves this guy. I call B S
Wear the Cross, practice everything that these blessed people have experienced and told by the Christ. God Bless. Amen and Peace.