There’s a war being waged – a top-secret and high-tech war that humans are blissfully unaware of! It’s the eternal war between the two great armies of Cats and Dogs! The plot of the Cat army to destroy a new vaccine that, if developed, would destroy all human allergies to Dogs, is uncovered and the Dogs fight back to prevent the Cats from succeeding in their quest for domination! Includes cutting-edge CGI and animatronic special effects, with the voice talents of Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Alec Baldwin (“Pearl Harbor”, “Nuremberg”), Academy and Golden Globe nominee Michael Clarke Duncan (“See Spot Run”, “The Green Mile”) and Joe Pantoliano (“The Sopranos”, “The Matrix”). MPAA Rating: PG Ω 2001 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
猫狗大战 Cat and dog fight
视频位置: https://youtu.be/Ckmwq4sNCkI
I ? it
Fuck you
I watched the 2nd movie first and only just realised that Beagel is Lou
I just wish cats would stop always being the evil ones why is it always the cats? Can't just once [Dont be offended if you like dogs] It be the dogs that are evil and the cats that are nice I mean cats are very small [Leave out lions tigers and the big cats] And cute Why are the dogs always the nice one? To me dogs are jerks because I got attacked by one and people get killed by dogs and people are the jerks when they say cats are jerks I just wish cats would stop being evil all the time and just once be a movie where the dogs are evil and the cats are nice [Okay Sorry about that there for being dramatic]
Thought it was cats vs dogs wtf
Bro I remember this movie, I used to watch it all the time when I was little
Hahahahahaha!!!!!the cat landed in the girls face!!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Im excited to see this. But the fact that the dog at the beginning literally chased the cat… That was too much XD
1:10 the run away
Hi You Tube Movies ? ?
I don’t like how the movie makes it seem like cats are evil
This is on Netflix
This used to be my favorite movie <3
I hate dogs I love cat
Cats are trash
Gay fucking movie
Freefore netflix
What the fuck these comments are pure cancer
The dogs win in the full movie
I have a vhs of this with the blockbuster stickers
Cuties Cute.
Cute Film I Love Cats.
Had this on VHS
I love cats and dogs their so cute and cuddly
I watched this
fruh. you
Yes you suck cats this is real footage of cats attacking dogs and humans
Loved this movie
I fell bad for the cat
Can't I wanted to see dog and cats fight to death
Why everyone can just except that sometimes dogs and cats can get along?
First it was people african vs calcasian and now its dogs vs cats
I mean, sneaky
0:33 that cat is just scared of nothing
People pick cats because thier stupid
People think cats a adorable?????? Well, they are JERKS!!
DOGS! Are better! Please 1000,000 % likes! 0% like cats!
I HATE this movie if you watched the full one and you LOVE cats you will see
I hate cats and dogs
When you are a sore loser! You'll never have the opportunity too win again! Give yourselves another chance! Four your sake!
I love German Shepherds
The Dogs was more like loved
popcorn the star cheetah if you loveee dogs why do have a pic of a cheetah