Russian soldiers caught on camera killing Ukrainian civilians – BBC News

Russian soldiers caught on camera killing Ukrainian civilians - BBC News
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When Leonid Pliats and his boss were shot in the back by Russian soldiers, the killing was captured on CCTV cameras in clear and terrible detail.

The footage, which was obtained by the BBC, is now being investigated by Ukrainian prosecutors as a suspected war crime.

“My dad was not a military man… he was a pensioner,” Leonid’s daughter said.

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About the Author: BBC News


  1. Wow, what a tough propaganda. Even the Russians will not sink to such a level that, dressed in the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will kill civilians. Cool provocation in excellent quality

  2. Lol. The community theater continues.
    I see unidentifiable uniforms, generically Slavic and un named faces, no shooting, a "stolen" van which "Russians" spray painted "Russian Tank Special Forces", and standard somber reporting tropes.
    Who actually buys this crap?

  3. And yet people still defend Russia's actions and claim Ukrainian troops would do this to they're own people. Disgusting , I hope the soldiers responsible get the rope.

  4. No matter how much you BBC and other propagandists pour their lies, it's all useless. Russia will win and all the goals will be achieved. 50+ billion US and European dollars will be thrown to the wind.
    And your sanctions are now destroying Europe, not Russia.
    The other day, 2,400 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in the city of Azov Steel, among whom there is a battalion of Azov, banned even in the United States (and recognized as a Nazi).

    We in Russia laugh at how you, Western propagandists, call surrender "evacuation".

    Yes, about the same evacuation that was with the German army to our prisoner of war camps 🤣

  5. So they drove a stolen civillian van, parked infront of a security camera and they had sprayed "Russian attack special forces" onto the van. Hmmm sounds like propaganda to me. As sad as the peoples stories appear to be, we cannot ever be sure what the truth is from either side. Both are as bad as eachother.

  6. Why are all
    You falling for this propaganda. No evidence what so ever, just a very nice story. Where was the blood stains? Any evidence? What a joke!

  7. Ukrainian citizens would take knives and they would kill the Russian soldiers I am Ukrainian and I support russia

  8. It is astounding the contrast between Russian cowardice, treachery and incompetence vs.the Ukrainian bravery, compassion and love of their family and homeland. Long live Ukraine! Hold Russia accountable.

  9. Show the video of the surrendered Azov soldiers. Show them tattooed fascist crosses. They crap to the last drop, surrendered to the captivity of the fat-bellies and these are the heroes 😂😂😂

  10. Show the video of the surrendered Azov soldiers. Show them tattooed fascist crosses. They crap to the last drop, surrendered to the captivity of the fat-bellies and these are the heroes 😂😂😂

  11. It's Ukrainian army killing their own country civilians to blame Russia. They want to show Russia as a villian to the world by killing their own country man.but the world knows Russia ain't that cheap to kill innocent civilians.

  12. The only reason they would have shot him was if he said he would report the presence of Russian soldiers near his property.Opposing this,could be that a Ukrainian soldier had disguised himself as a Russian soldier and shot the civilian.

  13. Thugs are still thugging and this is why I tell you all to leave the cameras on. We see it. Pootin is the aggressor.

    They have a V on it, because it used to stand for something good. The nerve of these thugs is limitless. Now I have even seen that.

    They are angry, because we must even end them with their own tanks. That was the motive for that horrible war crime. May Leo rest in peace.

  14. Как же жалко жителей Украины, зачем в них стрелять? Действуют не по приказам…

  15. I think the world is seeing just how fucked up a lot of the men in Russia are, fuck look at the gulag tapes leaked with the prison guards raping and torturing inmates and making them do the inmates do the horrific acts to each other all while recording it all for there own and storing it on there servers.

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