Best Fails of the Week: Caught on Camera (March 2018) #744 | CCTube – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
Dear viewers, if you own the copyright to any video posted on the channel, and you are against placing your videos on the list, and if you want to see your video in the compilation please write us:
Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
What does the triangle mean on the back windows of Russian cars
2:18 two drivers in my book that are equally as stupid as one another. Neither knows where the brakes are or is actually looking. If this went to court it would be hard to decide which of the two idiots was more stupid. Only in Russia
8:20 Doesn't anyone in that country use their hand brake? It's like they all just thought fuck it I'll only use my gears to hold the car in place, whats the worse that can happen?
8:51 from the future
Those Russians would never make good NASCAR drivers, they can't make a left turn.
7:08 min the best Ever
hahahahahaha 6 People dead hahahshshsh Fucking American ??
Anyone know the tune at 4:05 ?
Just a little to wide,- the car w the tail -making my own way -emergency break-wrong way you – air McDonalds, thx again….keep making my day
Your intro is too long.
Пожарники на 9-й минуте – это полный пиздец! Так провтыкать и выехать на встречку! Какой идиот сидел там за рулём?? Ну видно же было одностороннее, там за секунду до этого жёлтый автобус проехал! Хоть бы уже по обочине двинул, так нет, ему в левый ряд обязательно нужно было. Неизвестно сколько людей было в белом бусе, но водитель 90% насмерть
for some of the vids, how do you not see the other car coming? or how do you not see the brake lights?
What's the song at 8:20?
3:50 song ??
"That's a fucking Airplane! What the fuck!"
These people are idiots they see the car coming and they still drive, seems like no one is paying attention to the road.
they should drive horses in f%§£ing Russia !!
These people are the undisputed masters of the passenger-side-first skid into oncoming traffic, aren't they?
4:40 Why the hell is this guy trying to pass? Especially on an exit? Looks to me like that truck is going fast enough.
At 7:07 is the Florida International University Pedestrian Bridge collapse in Miama, Florida, USA. 6 people killed, mostly from being crushed. Though they are still investigating, it has been shown that engineers spotted and reported cracks in the bridge at least a day before the collapse.
I was wondering if there was any dashcam footage of the Miami bridge collapse and here you have it. I can't believe they let traffic pass under when a crane was supporting it, that's just mad!
Okay, I'm just gonna make a wild and crazy guess that in many parts of the world, apparently "driver training" is NOT a prerequisite in obtaining a legitimate driver's license. What an excellent compilation.
7:10 Was that the pedestrian bridge that collapsed in Florida recently?
5:46 Proof Porsche drivers suck
1:18 when u try to play gta v on a 2008 pc
все старье.
Jesus when Russians crash they crash. 9:23 WTF!
Less honking more braking.
3:11 I love that guy’s laugh.???
7:10 … 6 people dead
anyone have any addition info on the airplane one? wtf?
Tsunami,2012 & MayDay ?
I find myself yelling at my computer screen when I watch your videos!!!! LOL!
Watching a dozen of these compilations ought to be mandatory in every driving school.
Most accidents stem from the same three mistakes: being distracted by gadgets, failure to yield when turning or changing lanes and generally unadjusted speed/ tailgating.
Hey guys i have been watching u guys since long time n i don't know whether u will reply me or not but are u guys(members of CC TUBE) russian or what??? ??reply me if u get time guys… Big fan of yours…
U guys awesome
That's a Fucking airplane WTF! ????
cyka blyat vodka la vodka, i have now learned how to speak russian
Gotta find my fix for Russian dash cam videos since Car Crashes Time stopped uploading.
Só tem eu BR aqui?
2:18 – How are junctions meant to be approached? I presume (in this instance) there were no traffic lights? Was the car coming from the right in the wrong? How come the camera car didn't slow down, as it was clear there would be a collision.