Porcupine Too Danger Porcupine Vs Lion Real Fight Powerful Big Cat Animals Attack

Porcupine Too Danger Porcupine Vs Lion Real Fight Powerful Big Cat Animals Attack
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The Jaguar Was Suddenly Attacked By A Crocodile – Top Fierce Hunting In The Wild World Of Lion
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This camera is situated at a secluded waterhole and is set on the hide. It is completely solar powered due to the remote location of the waterhole. There is a borehole which replenishes the waterhole giving much needed water to the animals that frequent this area.
This is a great camera for viewing the Big Five of Africa, lion, leopard, rhino (which we do not show), elephant and buffalo. Giraffe and a large variety of antelope, genets, squirrels, warthogs, Giant kingfisher as well as the woodlands kingfisher all converge at this key watering point.
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About the Author: Admin


  1. یہ ویڈیو بھت اچھی شیر تنگ آگیا اس کو کہاں سے پکڑوں مگر کانٹوں نے اسے سانس نہیں لینے دیا

  2. 豪猪現在人們選為能夠秒殺獅子的動物前十名,牠有特別的身體結構,後半身長滿刺針,尖而细且有倒鈎,獅子以為對付豪猪就像對付其他動物一樣容易,就揪了一隻同夥要捕獵,經過試探獅子没遭到反擊,乃正式攻擊,沒想到豪猪精神來了,全身的刺针開始發射,獅子還沒吃到甜頭,已經被刺針刺得全身都是,還好獅子是經歷過大風大浪的草原之王,趕快撤退找地方慢慢拔出刺針,如果動作晚了,可能想要復原都救不了要丢條命,大家現在知道豪猪的利害了吧,豹子也受過同樣的災難,豪猪可真是不鸣則已,一鳴驚人。大家現在知道各種動物都有能夠克制敵人的武器,不可小覷任何一種小動物。

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