Cougar Rescued From Painful Foot Trap | This cougar got caught in a painful foot trap and he’s so anxious – but these heroes are risking their lives to pry him free.
Credit: Mark Etkins via Stoyful
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
Poor little kitty ??
Not critiquing, but would it be easier to tranquilize instead of wrangling and further injuring the paw?
I would love to get a cougar in a trap I would like to mount it's hide on my wall and make cougar sausage
I love big cats I’m especially fond of them because of how misunderstood they are and these traps are for rodents or coyotes they are banned I most places but are used so much even today against the law. Ty to these wonderful people for freeing this beautiful animal ?❤️
Of course The Dodo leaves out the part where trapping was mentioned in a positive way by the biologist that helped release the cat.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm a lover for animals
Traps are inhumane and should be illegal today. But unfortunately, because there are many hunters and trappers that make a living this way, traps will not be made illegal. This cougar was just lucky to have nice guys to come by. I love animals and would have done the same but I'm only stating the truth.?
Thanks and relieved.
Traps are incredibly painful, damaging and inhumane. They need to be banned everywhere!!!
And while this animal is freed – it most likely has extensive and lasting damage to it's paw, which will impair it's ability to travel and hunt and survive:( It's too bad the 2 guys didn't keep control; it needed veterinarian attention! Did you see all of the blood??
Thank you, for saving him. The world needs more people like you.
Ban inhumane Traps
a honor medal for these two angels
I hope those weren't hunters who had to let cougar go because its illegal to kill cougars and they put trap back to catch coyotes or foxes..causing more pain to those animals.
That took courage and a great deal of heart.
I don't think that's a cougar trap because it got took away from the area it was in so anybody complain about people and there traps. This trap is probably a beaver trap and caught the mountain lion
God Bless you good Men.
Esta bien que lo aya tratado con muho cuidado
Amazing job! Good on you!
I was watching with bated breath that the poor cougar would come out okay. OMG! Poor animal. Thank God for the help he got from those amazing heroes!!! Thank you!!!!
Thanks for doing that.
Thanks for showing he got the neck pole off. Made this a fast and effective 'feel-good' video.
I applaud these two men for what they did. ?
All forms of traps must be stopped. They should be illegal and those using them, put in jail.
Outstanding job……..
Thank you. Stupid traps. I would destroy any trap I found.
this is why we need to ban traps for hunting….if it wasnt for overpopulation i say ban hunting all together but too many deer too many problems and….well lets not open that can yet or ever if we can help it…i just….my favorite hunting storys the one where the dentist…i think falls in a hole or something n a lion jumps in…..i cant remember if someone knows it tell me its so funny because….karmas a cruel mistress
Good guys! They did not just KILL the cougar when they saw it I LOVE THESE GUYS!! THANK YOU
My friend's who grew up trapping don't even do this.
That took nerve. Can't believe people are still using those awful traps.
I understand there's good intention but it was bleeding. There's blood on the snow.
WOWZA! That was one incredible rescue! Thank you guys so much for your caring and your courage. You make me proud of you!
wow you guys are exceptional humans
Awww god bless u guys why are ppl nasty leach g traps I hate man kind hurt g all God's creation real hurts me inside ❤❤?
Too brute, where were the tranquilizers and medical kit???
what about the injury? was it serious and will it get infected? why didn't they use a sleep traquilizer to make sure the wound was properly treated. give the cougar antibiotics before releasing it back into the wild.
Cougars are beautiful cats glad it was rescued thanks heroes
Nagar paalikaa ko bulaao
What country have cuogar?