30 Animals That Asked People for Help !

30 Animals That Asked People for Help !
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Animals have bad days too – just like humans. But the difference is that they need our help to get through it! Today we are going to show you Most Unbelievable Moments When Animals Asked People for Help. Watch to the end to make your heart pound!


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About the Author: MAD LAB


  1. I broke down when I saw the dog that got poisoned, To the person who called the medics God bless you and I hope you have a great life

  2. My boyfriend found a tiny kitten abandoned by her mom on the roof in the scorching hot sun. I asked him if I could keep her and he said yes. I got up all hours of the night making milk for her every time she'd cry and now she's my whole world… I couldn't imagine life without Munchkin โค๏ธ

  3. I found a big white rabbit last week.
    The lady picked up a box of donuts
    on the way to pick up her little rabbit
    she was so happy! I seem to be a magnet
    for strays.


  5. I am just 9 and my sis is 12 we have rescued a lot of kittens that were less than a month old and they lost their mom I found all kittens from my apartment and then 1 day my sis and I went cycling I heard a kitten I told my sis that we need to find it we found
    It but my sis said leave it her mum will come so we left it but whenever we left it It started meowing again and again so we called my cousin who lives above me her friend had come over and she was a veterinarian so she took care of it and said to my cousin keep it in ur house they said yes so that night I went to my cousins and when I came back I saw they left the kitten alone with a cat who was trying to attack her so me and my sis decided to keep the cat a few weeks later my balcony door was open so the kitten was so small it fell through the grills it's nose was bleeding but my mom said it's OK and we went to my chacha s house the next day I came from school and saw the cat like almost dead in my bathroom we rushed to the vet we needed gas and the gas station was full so we quickly took gas and went to the vet they admitted the Leo (the cats name is Leo) so after a few days when my parents went to get Leo the vet told them he died my sis and I were reallyyyyyyyyyy close to him and he made a lot of memories with us rip Leo btw I have had more then 10 cat slash kittens I have 1 right now called caramel but I loved Leo most rip Leo my fav

  6. Think that big Bear was lying in hibernation. They could it know that and the Bear was lucky if they dug right on….. Yes Of Course i would Help ANY animal in need and hope so of you all to! One Love to All the Animals in World!

  7. I do believe that our actual purpose as humans is to protect the planet and its inhabitants like the animals and plants, that human should have been the protectors. Unfortunately, we're the one causing so much death and destruction.

  8. So beautiful. All these people are wonderful and have an immense amount of charity. If only our aborted babies got the same attention.

  9. I find it interesting how in the Bible one of the first tasks man was given was overseeing the animals. Even if they were stronger and greater in number, he was given dominion over them all. Really makes me reconsider our relationship with them. I've always loved animals, but there are certain ones we tend to steer away fromโ€“ for both rational and irrational paranoia.

    My mom used to despise Opossums and I actively avoided them until I adopted a young orphan that had somehow lost it's way. We nursed him for a week until we were able to find him proper care at a rescue & rehabilitation center.
    I learned a lot about their usefulness in pest and disease controlโ€“ they're surprisingly clean for carrion eaters, and actually rarely ever develop rabies due to their natural body temp being too low on average to host it. I wasn't too concerned though, I just didn't want to leave him out on his own. He was just old enough to be weaned off formula, but for an omnivore with such a WIDE range of nutrition to choose from, he was pretty picky ๐Ÿ˜†.
    Apples, pears, blueberries, pecans, walnuts, tangerine's, and tomatoes was his temporary dietโ€“ ordered fav to least. He retained a healthy natural fear of us, but was comfortable enough to eat when placed inside the reassuring shelter of a pajama pocket.

    It's a good feeling, helping someone or something. I don't know why, it'd be much easier to keep to yourself, for fear of experiencing something strange and uncomfortable, or even fear of failure. But there's something very rewarding about moments like these.

  10. I love these kind of stories. It really gives me hope in the human race. And it shows how people from all over the world do these kind gestures. It makes me proud.

  11. Especially when you mess with gods creatures and abuse them there's definitely a place in hell for them… Or anything wicked ppl do…

  12. When I lived in Florida I saved bunches of animals but thereโ€™s so many that I canโ€™t even remember how many animals I did help

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