Hebrew words explained: 1)HaKadosh Baruch Hu- The Holy One Blessed 2)Hashem- literally means, “The Name,” to show respect and not use His Holy Name in vain, 3)Torah- written & oral teachings/instructions/laws given to Moses on Har Sinai/Mt. Sinai, 4)Yitbarach- be blessed, 5)Har Sinai- Mt. Sinai, 6)Pirkei Avot- Chapters of the Fathers, is a compilation of the ethical teachings and maxims from Rabbinic Jewish tradition, 7)Rabbeinu- our teacher, 8)tzaddikim- righteous and saintly people by Jewish religious standards, 9)chachamim- sages, 10)derech- way/path, 11)Siyata D’shemaya- with help from Heaven , 12)emet- truth
Baruch Hashem, my Mom, Hinda Chaya bas Charna, is home now and making progress, but still needs your prayers to help for her full recovery and be able to function even better than before her fall, BeEzrat Hashem Yitbarach!
I want to give thanks first to Hashem Yisbarach for always guiding and inspiring me, as He has provided me with brilliance, wisdom, talents and abilities that are beyond my understanding to fulfill my unique mission in this world. I recognize this, and yet, I am humbled, to say the least, that HaKadosh Baruch Hu has given me many gifts to use in the service to Him. Please do not give me any credit and instead direct your praise and applause to the בורא עולם/Creator of The World, as I am simply one of His many creations trying to pass on the message of The Truth and inspire people to get closer to Hashem and follow the instructions of The Torah. I pray that I can continue, B”EHY, to have the blessing and privilege to be an instrument in His/Hashem’s service.
I would also like to give credit to the following people and their websites:
~ Rabbi Alon Anava http://www.alonanava.com and http://www.atzmut.com/
~ Rav Daniel Asore – his life story is in an amazing movie done by Yuval Ovadia, called Spiritual Turbulence and also he shares more detail on his own life in 10 part radio show. Here is part 1 and you can find the rest on youtube: Anti-Missionary – Rav Daniel Asore Life Story – Radio program (part 1) – YouTube Daniel Asor, an Israeli who left Israel after completing his prestigious service .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-Agi9ybuI4
~ Rabbi Yaron Reuven – https://www.beezrathashem.org
Watch this movie from Rabbi Yaron Reuven
TIKKUN HaBRIT (The Movie That Will Shake The KIRUV World)
Seeing Hashem in Nature – Amazing article: http://dafyomireview.com/526
Also was made into a movie by Rabbi Yaron Reuven:
The Signature of G-d The Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfd3NF2eDw
~ Rabbi Efraim Kachlon: mostly in Hebrew and some with English subtitles
= Rabbi Alon Anava – 1st NDE (near death experience)
= Rabbi Alon Anava – 2nd NDE
= Rabbi Nir Abujam
= Estherké
= Sharon Nachshoni
Disclaimer: you do not need to, nor do I ask you to convert to Judaism in order to have a relationship with G-d or a place in heaven. You can be righteous just the same by following the 7 Noahide Laws that were given by G-d which are:
1- prohibition of idolatry
2- prohibition of murder
3- prohibition of theft
4- prohibition of sexual immorality
5- prohibition of blasphemy (using His/Hashem/G-d’s name in vain)
6- prohibition of eating flesh from an animal while still alive
7- establishments of courts of law
Watch this video about the 7 Noahide Laws:
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