Natural disasters 19 June, 2022. The flood destroyed thousands of buildings and cars in Guangdong, China
About 274,000 residents were affected by torrential rains in Guangdong Province, south China, the provincial emergency management department said.
A lot of cities experienced natural disasters such as rainstorms, floods and landslides. It resulted in the relocation of 15 thousand 2 hundred people.
Guangdong authorities sent 22 thousand 6 hundred pieces of relief supplies including tents, folding beds, towels, blankets, clothes, mobile lighting facilities, water and generators to the worst-hit areas.
The provincial flood control headquarters upgraded the emergency alert to the second highest level, considering upstream incoming water and weather forecast of heavy rainfall.
изменено 17:53
Naturals hazards in 2021 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2021. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel.
My private Instagram page, which is not connected with YouTube is https://instagram.com/vaucherie?utm_medium=copy_link
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.
#China #Guangdong #rain #news #Hurricane #Typhoon #Flood #Naturaldisasters
On the channel, everything you need to know about:
chave weather, fobos storm, natural disasters compilation, painful earth, live storm media,lsm, climate change, global warming,
Take care 🙏🙏🙏
My private Instagram page: https://instagram.com/vaucherie?utm_medium=copy_link
Если они не прекратят геноцид уйгур, то наказания их усилится и это стихия покажется цветочками
Каждый получает наказание за то что приобрели сами своими руками , то есть за их грехи и злодеяния,, тот кто бросает вызов богу непременно будет повержен,,,
As much as I hate the idea that China feels it must attack Tawain, just to put it under it's boots, because they could work with Tawain, they did it for 99 years..l really hate also that the Chinese people are suffering regularly of climate change..courage China…
Non ne parlano i TG
Их бог наказ
Их бог наказывает за вымышлинное пондамию
Китайцы вы это заслужили!
Acts 16:30-31 KJV "And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31) And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
Thiên tai bảo lũ như vậy nhưng nhà cầm quyền Tàu vẫn hung hăng dương oai diễu võ ở Biển Đông không hề quan tâm đến sống chết của người dân.
Tofu buildings .
Необходимо строить созидательное общество!
When China learn – they have to stop build damp .
Acorda Nação povos e línguas cor e raça. Jesus está voltando até quando resistirão o poder de Deus? está na hora de despertar e entender que só há um Deus todo Poderoso criador dos Céus e da terra. Ele envoiu o seu único filho para liberar e Salvar a humanidade da Condenação eterna por causa das maldades das Suas maldades. a humanidade virou as costas para Deus e estão se curvando diante das imagens de escultura Cadê elas agora? Veja você mesmo que elas não podem fazer nada. Por que são fabricadas pelos homens. Jesus é real..só ele pode livrar a todos. Isso depende de você abrir o Seu Coração..espero ter te ajudado..
Китайцы ждите помоши будо придёт вам на помощь это только начало АЛАГЬУАКБАР АЛАГЬУАКБАР АЛАГЬУАКБАР ☝
Господи смилуйся .прости нас грешных
small payback….chinese government creating absurd lockdowns forcing people to wax wear rugs on their faces
Is this a weather war 😳???
God is Punishing China for the COVID19 epidemic. I'm sorry to see the local people are being affected with this disaster.
Переобуваются по жизни не могут понять за кого они
Meus pêsames…. espero que China recupere logo…..
El fin se acerca ven la señal yno se arepiente
Душа радует когда в Китайе и США такие пришествия
Они же говорили мы
сверх держава
Не вижу ни какого противостояние