[Short] UNESCO Memory of the World (MoW) Training Workshop by KNCU

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Many important items of documentary heritage exist all over the world that have not yet been added to the Memory of the World (MoW). Reasons for this include lack of knowledge and experiences about how to apply to the MoW. To help spread this knowledge and encourage more countries to have their documentary heritage recognized, the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) has been holding annual UNESCO MoW Training Workshop since 2009.
If you want to see longer version of this video, please click on the following link : https://youtu.be/636Cz11OoWk

00:00 Introduction of UNESCO MoW Programme
01:57 Reason of the beginning of UNESCO MoW Training Workshop by KNCU
02:54 Introduction of International Group of Experts for the Workshop
03:03 Workshop Process
04:57 Expert Interview 1 : Jan Bos (Chair of the MoW Register Sub-Committee)
05:07 Expert Interview 2 : Roslyn Russell (Member of the MoW Register Sub-Committee)
05:16 Participant Interview 1 : Erdanabat Samdan (Mongolia)
05:33 Expert Interview 3 : Kyung-ho Suh (Former Member of the MoW International Advisory Committee)
05:49 Participant Interview 2 : Vaveao Toa (Samoa)
06:06 Expert Interview 4 : Ray Edmondson (Former Chair of the MoW Committee for Asia-Pacific)
06:23 Participant Interview 3 : Sisavath Hongsambat (Lao PDR)
06:37 Expert Interview 5 : Joie Springer (Member of the MoW Register Sub-Committee)

Produced by Do Project


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  1. विमत आआआआऐप्पाआआआआआईईइस्स्स्स्स्स्स्स्स्स्ज्ज्किइल्लिल्ज्क्ल्क्ज्कोजोक्क्क्क्क्क्क्व स

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