Size doesn’t really matter when your penis is as large as your body. Here are six of the most well endowed animals ever to exist!
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Read More:
Blue Whale http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2012/olson_rile/reproduction.htm
Elephants http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/2009/11/07/south-african-wildlife-wait-thats-not-a-trunk/
Argentine Blue Bill Ducks http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2009/12/22/ballistic-penises-and-corkscrew-vaginas-the-sexual-battles-of-ducks/
Greater Hooked Squid http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=3023
Banana Slugs http://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2014/05/06/tgipf-the-weird-world-of-banana-slug-sex/
Barnacle http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/discoblog/2010/11/23/to-find-love-the-barnacle-grows-a-stretchy-accordion-like-penis/#.U5iOQZRdVe5
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More information is good right…? Right?
Just Why.
You misspelled penis
This guy is obsessed with penis ratios. How badly does he really want to see a 6 foot human dick?
why did i search this
What your saying is that woman should fuck animals like Barnacles and Ducks
no komments, but not like. If you wanna see there is Planet African, thanks from Finland
I just searched for Dick Squid
A slug has a bigger penis than me 🙁
If most birds don't have penises then how do they reproduce?
When you try and click on another video but you click on this by accident but you end up watching it any ways because your interested In knowing
I have gone off the deep end
Tortoises have extremely large penises for their body size.
wait. is this in comparison to there body or just physical size. because if it is physical size. why didnt you include humans. humans have bigger penise than the banana slugs
What about wenis?
How the f*** did I get here
Mine is bigger
Why tho??
I am one crazy cat who loves to sever your penises.
My nick name in high school was the duck.
This should be regressive count down. More exciting that way.
It is fucking gross
" and sometimes after they say they bite each other's weiners off"
me saying this in a Hank Hill way H wat!?!?*
Fun fact: Female hyenas have penises. And they GIVE BIRTH through it. Imagine urinating out a Chihuahua, that's what it probably feels like for the hyena first-time mother.
Mine is 12.7
Why the hell does this have 1,000,000 views ???
Show this to whitney wisconsin she'll go crazy
😛 weak sauce. Mine is the length of an entire jump rope. Plus, it is pretty swollen and hot to the touch. However, my doc said that is normal. Just my pee-pee trying to keep itself warm.
Who ever made this viedo is gay or a she/male
And here i thought a Shire horse was gonna make this list XD
yo that's crazy