RESCUED BABY OWLS FROM CUT DOWN TREE! Hannah Feder — July 18, 2022 42 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: source Animal Rescue animals baby animals baby birds baby owls backyard Birds cute animals Entertainment Family fun Hannah feder Hannah feder animals Hannah feder rescues jacob feder Jacob feder animals Jacob feder rescues kids owls Paul cuffaro Paul cuffaro animals Paul cuffaro fish rescuing animals Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
The baby of the baby is a normal owl that’s what you’re an owl or it’s a wild one yeah it’s wild because that’s what the world owl looks like👁
I really like that you are saving these animals because my job is to save animals I work for animalRehab
There probably snow owls I think but thanks for doing this your saving the inviorment and you've been doing a great job
The baby of the baby is a normal owl that’s what you’re an owl or it’s a wild one yeah it’s wild because that’s what the world owl looks like👁
may god bless you your soo greatfull
I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 is it so cute
Can I have a tiny one please it looks so cute!!!
i think its a barn owl
For me i think those owls are the type of snowy owls because only snowy owls have that kind of fur
Owls are one of my favourite animals
Think there are barn owls Hannah
I just left st. Augusta Florida
Those hours are call the most beautiful hours in the world
cute 4 baby owls
i love the baby owl
yep hannah is good person
And no update about their progress..using their cuteness to become famous..not a good content…
Think one is their names can be moonlight
Snow owl
What based. Jakob
Snow owls
I really like that you are saving these animals because my job is to save animals I work for animal
The snow app hour
Jag tror att dom är snoavel
What is that you are holding
There probably snow owls I think but thanks for doing this your saving the inviorment and you've been doing a great job
5:06 what. The. Fuck.
By my coucolashens it is a snowy owl
Of course ill rescue i love them wow super cute
It’s a snow owl!
they are so cute!!!
i love baby owls they are so cute🌹🌹🌸😍❤❤❤❤❤🐣🐣🐣🐣🍼🍼🍼🍼
Barn owl
Yes 👍
I feel bad for the little owls 🥺
Girl I looove uuuuu! Ur sooo sweeet! Keep up tho good work!
Snow owl
you looksoprity
You are an amazing person 😇😇😇
Snowy owls
Hannah those baby owls are cute
Is it a snow Owl???