![NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.113 [FailForceOne]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/NEAR-DEATH-CAPTURED-by-GoPro-and-camera-pt113-FailForceOne-818x490.jpg)
Near death experience videos and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. All people survive. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
Our channel is showing the dangers of common life situations and extreme activities to take it seriously and with respect. Take responsibility and don’t risk your life. It has a educational function and not intended to shock people or encourage dangerous activities.
I’m on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FailForceOne/
All stunts are performed by professionals, don’t try this at home.
the people on the skateboards are kinda stupid
00:30 where’s the stop sign? 🛑
Keep publishing please guys, there are no other YouTube charnels as this !!
Some of these idiots don’t deserve the ”near” part.
Juanito form OwnagePranks 😂😂
A "Warning: May not be appropriate" message came up, and it will not play. I tried everything.
(I'm a grandfather, so it can't have anything to do with age restriction.)
I guarantee the guy in the crane with the boat died.
No way he got out of the mud
How many people ducked on the first video?
Weight lifter and skateboarder who jumped in front of the bus put their own lives in danger. Guard rails and safety rails are there for reason. People need to think about what they are doing or suffer the consequences.
Hmm, ice ax, selfie stick, ice ax, selfie stick…
1:20 if they had a passenger, they'd be dead.
0:20 Shame that guy didn't get his ass run over, he deserved it for just skating into the fucking street like that. What an asshole. I hate these fuckers who just act like they can do whatever they want and everyone else just going about their day will accommodate them.
@ 4:30 ollie to full droors – Fort Ord, CA??
Terrible friend for not letting him know that there was cars coming in that first one. Easily an unspoken rule when doing these smh
Fail Force One goes MIA for 2 months.
A.) People had a safe 2 months globally.
B.) Nothing Near. People have been exclusively dieing.
There are no other explanations
There was no stop sign
clicked on your video to say, I literally dont give a flying fuck….. why is this even on my suggested posts?
Also; welcome back my friend 🙂
Holy shit I was not expecting that kind of accident with the trailer hitting the car.
That dude walking down the snowy mountain did his best to record himself almost dying. Praise the cameraman
Ppl never think if their friends or family. Taking life for granted and being in auto pilot. These ppl probably aren’t stupid, but god, then being stupid almost cost them their lives.
Wow!!! All of these made my heart race! 😯
6:15 woman stink-eyeing the car like it was their fault she almost got killed.
4:30 Damnn this is exactly how a classmate of mine died. Bus driver was speeding like crazy too. RIP Dylan you crazy bastard
In general people really are very stupid lol a few of these are unavoidable but most of these are caused by some real dummies
Skaters have to be some of the dumbest, most oblivious people on the planet. I consistently see them doing the stupidest shit ever.
Nice mix of old and new 🥴
Talk about getting the shaft! 1:11
GoPro and camera?? WTF
Many silly idiots…😖😖😖
The last video made me almost choke, that guy benching too much was great lol, I know it's easy to panic in those situations but the best thing to do is lean it off to the side and deal with one end of it
The idiot that drove into the back of the trailer was supposed to let traffic merge getting on the highway…. Either slow down or change lanes
Blimey some of these clips are 10,s of years old???
What a fake crocodile
6:14 "I don't care if you almost got hit by a car, don't spray me with that hose!" 🤣
Missing fail force…. Hope you upload your dangerous videos more often…. Thank you❤❤❤
Sliding down a mountain into rocks thinks "content content" what a dope.
Sorry, you've lost your touch. Lots of repeats that I've seen everywhere else, and not many clips that are as interesting or near death as they used to be. With regret, unsubscribing.
The pole cam mountain slide was decent! Usually it's on skis or snowboard, I was shocked to see that goomba on the snow with boots only.
Fabulous as ever
Best was that guy falling down a slope with GoPro camera
Hha USA People you are our entertainment
I feel like the jury’s out on that crane operator
The video at 59 seconds into the video of the ice falling from building. When they are following the ice down with camera you will see flash of light on the ground in front of the fire hydrants What was that ?
At least two of these have been on here before.
I skated in the eighties and nineties but the level of stupidity I see with skaters nowadays is astounding. Did anyone ever think about standing near the roadway to give the go ahead???