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  1. PERFECT example of the problem with women thugs. They want to act like a man. He was being nice but had enough. Then others rescue or help the woman if he does defend himself. And a lot will make him out to be bad because he tried to hit a women. Then others think. Ok I can act up too and represent.

  2. She got what she was looking for. And I'm I'm chick saying this. Yll bitches keep your hands to yourself ^ stop trying to fight dudes. It was all funny when he was trying refrain frm hitting her but then whn he hit her back he's wrong.

  3. They say a man should never hit a woman, let alone his GF, but don’t put yourself in that predicament, hitting and not expecting that some guys have it in them. SMH. And, why did she break the glass on the door?🤔Now she’s going to get a charge.😒

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