Salty Popcorn โบ https://youtu.be/gsUEOLefDS0
#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #interestingfacts
The world’s first ever fighting cat, people escaping from an elephant and the coordinated work of 200 excavators. You’ll find only the most impressive videos in our new selection!
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
Very nice video! I like the most of your videos! ๐ ๐ โฅ๏ธ
I really enjoyed all these clips.
Apparently those little people in the water were actors so I've heard.
and got to sit that craper 1:29
Huge python
13:45 Anyone know what that is? It looks like a lion…
wow, loved the airpline fly by fighting fires saving houses
4:27 is Forest Whitaker as a child xD
Repeat Comment, because YouTube hides comments, is invisible to you. Did you know that World War III has already broken out? In the past, Poland experienced German fascism, total – economic destruction, genocide – over 6 million murdered Poles, millions in exile, the penetration of Volksdeut spies by political saboteurs and extermination during the First and Second World Wars caused by Germany in cooperation with Russia in 1918 and 1939 – 1945 when in the Auschwitz Birkenau German Camp – the Germans condemned St. Maximiljan Maria Kolbe – voluntarily giving his life for a fellow prisoner, after whose starvation, Nazi Germany – did not dare to condemn any prisoner of this Camp to death by starvation and now – in the 21st century – the German Chancellor Scholz in the daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" 07.2022 – states, that "Germany is ready to take responsibility for Europe and the world." Could it be – as during Hitler in 1939. – for Poland? That is why – through the EU institutions and Brussels officials from leftist parties – with a majority in the EU Parliament – their leaders such as: Von der Leyen, Scholz, Cimermans, Macron, Merkel, Stenbayer, Vera Jurowa and many EU Leftists – in the words of the German MEP Katarine Barley, proclaim, that – Poland should be starved financially – which they have been doing since 2021, and now against Ukraine – by delaying support in grain transport containers, allowing the Russians to burn and steal grain. Is the German EU and Russia working together against Ukraine and Poland? So, World War III has already broken out, again against Poland and Ukraine.
Brussels EU – supports Berlin in the extermination of Poland (with penalties of 1.5 million euros a day, rejecting them from unpaid Poland any due budget money from 2021 and to help admitted war refugees not to attack the German EU.) federalization, and thus depriving the sovereignty of the member states, are identical to the plans of Germany. Many politicians holding managerial positions in various bodies of the European Union, that is – Germany. Has German Fascism Revived? – YES – it is still cared for by Germany, which did not change its 1936/38 Constitution. . The NSDAP – Hitler's party – was a left-wing party – and with left-wing Russia – attacked Poland in 1939. Today, the left-wing parties – under the dictation and control of Germany – run politics. EU – they do everything to starve Poland – like St. Maksymilian and received by Poland – 5 million war refugees from Ukraine. World War III is already underway. Today, it differs in that – Germany created the EU in order to make EU members dependent on German hegemony and the euro – produced where – in Germany – instead of missiles, and to States not yielding to German hegemony – such as Poland and Hungary, blackmail and cut off from due finances that Poland pays to the EU coffers – as much as EUR 7 billion a year. Since 2021 – the EU has not paid anything and still claims Von der Layer with EU leftists, sustaining penalties of 1.5 million euros a day for the fact that Poland has its own Constitution, Laws and Mines, that there is no – German rule of law in Poland, demanding that in Poland, a Judge could question the status of another Judge in order to cause anarchy and destroy the Polish Judiciary system, so that the Polish law system would become inert. Poland should immediately suspend payments to the German EU. German fascism is already fighting – economically against Poland and Ukraine, so that after the bankruptcy of Poland and Ukraine – Germany and Rusky could effortlessly attack Poland. The EU's fight against Hungary is a cover for Germany so that it is not recognized that it is Poland that is in the crosshairs of Germany and Russia.
I wonder which liquid is at 7:45 ?
Water with what ?
What moment ?
Well I like that and Missed
MindWarehouse has blown my mindโฆagain
The tongue is like cow
CAL 10 Tanker …..
Making Little Pink Houses
For You and Me .๐ต๐ถ
What the hell was that in the water with the swimmers? Kizmo
No, we don't remove the steering wheel before trashing the vessel. We don't recycle the window glass, nor do we remove metal. We just smash everything.
I just tried cuz u said it ๐คฃ๐
Now why? WHY ? Would you continue to let that snake keep going down in there. Grab his darn tale and pull it OUT. Fling and RUN. Or be forever terrified of sitting on THAT
I don't think I would use THAT TOILET (at 1:25) ever again!
What a lot of stupid comments to about 50% of these vids.
Those clouds over Lake Michigan were just awesome ๐ค
They are called roll cloud
The channel is a drug, once you get into a video there is no going back
9:40 climate change.
9:30, that's right, laugh at climate change. I hope you and your children live along the coast.
The clouds over lake michigan were a flat earthers wet dream.
Did you honestly need to cut the video of the mountain coming down?Bad call.
what if the elephant wanted help:)
The fireworks were simply a swirling post-processing effect over the original footage.
I would never sit on that toliet again!
When the traffic lights are spinning . It means you should have left the day before.
10:29 Name?
I was doing that hot job in a steel forge and was loving the water spray that blew the scale off the hot steel until someone told me it was river water. Still better smelling of tadpoles and keeping cool.
I wasn't ready!!!!
The creatures are a film project by art students
All very good!
wind turbine made in germany
9:00 that looks really good for the environment
I would never use that bathroom after seeing that!!!
10:55 yup get the heck out of the area
What did the plane dump over the houses around 7 minute mark
I hate click baits
That big snake would be killed if I ever saw it, because they are dangerous to everything.