Death Valley California: A near-record downpour on Friday over one of the hottest, driest places on Earth caused flash flooding. Death Valley National Park in California had to be temporarily closed due to the stranding of up to 1,000 people. In their 111-year history of recording rain, it was the second-rainiest day.
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If human keep on creating sin’s among themselves than Nature will keep becoming more destructive and more devastating in the future and eventually all industrial infrastructure will seize to exist! Humanity longevity will decline and barbarism shall truly begin
🙄I guess living in a place that's prone to flooding has taught me basic science – if it's been super dry & lots of rain comes- it will flood! Also if it's already been saturated & lots of rain comes- it will flood!!! This is basic knowledge & you should probably check the extended forecast…
seeing this with lies of WEF climate change and New World order plane!
111-year history of not seeing a record rain like this, you see patterns of mother nature being drastically changed in different parts of the planet – What else will we witness in our lifetime???
There will be some prolific flowering in spring!!!
cLiMeT sHaNgE !
Were did the water go, did it help the drought situation
Does anyone know if this affected Scotty’s Castle like the flood a few years ago?
The world's not dangerous, the psychopaths who control are.
Your state putting stuff in the air to make it rain is causing storms on the east coast.
Hopefully the Earth ends California for good.
I’ve ridden my bicycle across
Death Valley twice
Nature don’t play
And is everything green now ?
No time,In a few months you people will definitely be kicking yourselves regret for missing the opportunity to invest in forex/XRP cryptocurrency and Bitcoin trade, now the flood will soon destroy.
It was less than an inch and a half of rain. Just a sprinkle compared to Kentucky. If California got as much rain as they get back east there wouldn't be any mountains here either.
So, it's "rainy death valley".
Omg Climate change is real people, look at all that water in "death valley!" It's probably from the polar ice caps. We need to spend more money on helping the weather, and giving money to people who buy electric cars NOW…
They could trap the water to help severe droughts in the west
why they have 500 employee at the same time in the summer of death valley?
Keep up with these Natural Disasters- as The woman is pregnant- yeah!
Death valley was once a lake cover w water, few understand this.
metric numbers please, thank you!
Did any water get to lake mead
Drove through Death Valley in 1994. It is shocking to see it flooded. They have signs everywhere warning about flash flooding. It’s hot there in the summer, but the nights get chilly come autumn. You have to listen and watch the news before you start traveling in Death Valley and other areas of Nevada to be aware of possible flash floods. It is still shocking to see because 99% of the time it is just baking hot desert.
That’s what happens in the dry desert..
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
I know WHERE I'm going to take my camera next spring for wildflower photos…..It will be magnificent.
Was it from a glacier melting…welcome to the real world.
Lol, that’s why you don’t go to places like that without a lifted 4×3
One employee for everyone person at the park 🤔 I'm in the wrong business 🙄
I lived in Death Valley. Got pictures of myself many times next to that same National park temperature sign. I’ve seen many flash floods just like this. Yeah it happens.
Collect the water! Make deep ponds. Dont let it run away….
It's called Death Valley. It didn't say HOW it would kill you, but it warned you😊
every time the weather is super hot and feeling so dry and no winds blowing at all it will definitely going to rain.
Folks, unlike most things of our times, Death Valley is not some hyped up marketing name to get people to the place, it is pretty much a warning of what happens if you are not well prepared. Death Valley earned its name the old fashioned way, it kills people and has been killing things for a very long time. That said, with a little common sense and some essential supplies Death Valley is one of the most beautiful places you can ever visit.
Awesome! We will take all the rain we can get!!! This is all good news.
Thank God, the desert land is no longer there, and it becomes the land of green land. Amen!
Hey guys it happens every year it’s called rain😂😂😂
Crazy how it’s flooding in all deserts around the world right now
electric cars will stop this apparently lol
huh . . rain, wow. gee.
A clear sign that Mother Nature can’t be controlled or predicted .
Hope someone planned ahead so some of that water could be collected for crops.
How much of this water will we use to flush our poop down the drain?
And all that water was wasted, bring on the beavers. I just cracked up 🤣, I used to peddle 02 for a living and I saw that it was 133 degrees in the valley, my 02 safety valves go off at 125 degrees and a warm shout out to John Thompson lll whos since passed ,Bless His Soul, who drove heavy equipment down there in the valley and his cab 🚕 was also 133 degrees .
Yes this channel would be much much better with a human voice