Episode Thirty-One: Clickbait | Violating Community Guidelines

Episode Thirty-One: Clickbait | Violating Community Guidelines
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Brittany’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCad_KQumqRY06gpb24HkpPw

Sarah’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahschauer
Sarah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sarahschauer
Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahschauer/
Sarah’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1T0JN1hhHfNsiKtqKn_dEQ


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About the Author: Violating Community Guidelines


  1. It’s so weird how gullible older people are to clickbait. My mom was hooked on a specific type of video of like capturing elfs on camera because the title said they were “ caught on camera” just to never be seen. I thought it was hilarious because she believed it, but it’s like I understand clickbait and the internet and my mother doesn’t which is crazy

  2. Please do not buy your Delta 8 from Amazon people put a bunch of random crap in Delta 8. If what you're buying isn't expensive it probably has a bunch of other crap in it that you do not need And a way lower dose of Delta 8. Literally all of the CBD and Delta 8 at gas stations and little strip mall stores are completely fake please do your research

  3. I feel for Sarah. My anxiety disorder used to control my life. I started Effexor a few months ago and it has been amazing. For anyone seriously struggling I recommend looking into it!

    *Obviously, do research and talk to your doctor/psychiatrist before taking advice from a stranger online*

    But it’s cool and kind of inspiring to see her pushing through it tho even if that means trucker cosplay and frozen edamame.

  4. y'all only mentioned this but I wanted to share some anecdotal experience to it. when I see those "like this or you'll go broke!" or "share this or [enter bad weird thing]!"
    I have OCD so whenever I see those, my brain rubs with it into next year. sometimes I'll ruminate on it for HOURS if I don't like/share/whatever. sometimes it'll give me those bad, intrusive thoughts like "[atrocious bad thing] is going to happen because you didn't like that tweet".
    the same applies for those tiktoks that are like "you watched three times so I could afford me surgery" 😭 it's just terrible and I know the world doesn't need or have to cater to me, but it's still bothersome.
    great episode and love y'all so much!!!

  5. On the subject of Fifty Shades of Grey, just from the trailers, it really did look almost like a psychological thriller. Christian Grey just seems the type to have bodies buried in his backyard or hidden in his freezer.

  6. Omg I have like so much to say about the journalism section of the podcast. news has ALWAYS been biased. First records of what was considered the first publication/ circulation of information came from a journal that someone wrote in high society Europe (I want to say Rome) where people would read about the happenings around them and add to the information as it came. It was a lot of gossip. During the American Rev, one of the key factors in the mobilization of people came from different small publications that primarily focused on publishing all of the wrongdoings of the crown against the colonies and pitting people against the Brits. News reporting as an “unbiased, purely factual” practice came to be after WWII, this event lead to changing perspectives of writers and how they wanted to cover events. Fast forward to today, those who are dedicated to reporting are against an industry that doesn’t pay well compared to all the work that you have to do UNLESS you produce digital content that brings ad revenue to websites, and writing headlines that will bring them to the top of Google searches (continued in replies)

  7. Watching this podcast is honestly as fulfilling as eating a whole meal and I watch it as I eat every chance I get so when I watch it and I’m not eating I still get full up from listening

  8. I definitely noticed Sarah seemed a little off in the last 2 podcasts? Glad there was no bad blood and it was just ADHD throwing her off lol
    Also I feel bad she's so anxious this episode! I swear if Sarah needs to take a break no one would get mad!!!

  9. DO NOT GIVE HER DELTA 8 PLS I have two friends who live in different states both agreed to try it at the same time and they both ended up having panic attacks that lasted 6-8 hours. Both of them have anxiety and one of them is actively paranoid. I wouldn't personally recommend it to someone with anxiety.

  10. The first time I ever had bad physical anxiety, I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I did blood tests, poop tests, and finally one day when I was calling the emergency nurse line and describing how I could barely walk, felt light headed almost constantly, numb fingers and toes, horrible stomach pain, she was like "I think you're having an anxiety attack." And it finally clicked.

    Of course the Dr I got all those tests from never even brought that up and it was a nurse over a phone that figured it out.

    I don't actually know you Sarah, but I have so much empathy for what you were going through here, and you're kinda a rock star for fighting through it like you did 🤘

    I'd kiss you both on the lips for sure 💯

  11. On the Crystal Healing subject- I think of it the same way I think of Astrology and Tarot, in that while it isn't necessarily scientifically real*, it does have real *effects– in the case of crystal healing, it's likely a Placebo Effect, where it makes you feel better because you believe it can. And, personally, I don't think that's inherently a bad thing; especially if the people who believe in such things (Myself included, as I do legitimately believe in similar things, regardless of scientific veracity) recognize that there isn't a scientific basis, and don't reject science/scientifically-based practices as well.

  12. When looking at that media bias chart, keep in mind it is produced by an independent private organization. I am NOT a Republican or Democrat for that matter, but I do lean far to the left. That being said, Vanessa Otero, founder of Ad Fontes Media, the company that produced this chart is a registered democrat. This is not inherintlet bad, but it shows how even a system meant to asses bias has a bias itself.The rating system is also entirely based on readers reviews of these news sources and are entirely subjective. Ad Fontes does not base reliability ratings on the use of correct and verifiable information, but the perceived reliability of sources. This naturally leads to a concentration of news outlets that are popular with very partisan Democrat and Republican viewers like Fox News, CNN and the Washington Post. Not advocating for any specific group or side, but I think it should be noted that this chart has a strong bias for corporate news, is based on subjective views and approaches credibility from its own biased lense. Be critical of all media especially those making impactful assertions regarding the reliability of other outlets.

  13. I really like this podcast, and yall are so funny but at times I kinda get Andrew Tate vibes. The broad generalizations about how awful men in general are is really disheartening to watch sometimes.
    Obviously you guys aren't trying to appeal to men, and we do deserve the brutal honesty… But were not all like that come on… idk i guess i'm just a snowflake but it makes me really uncomfortable

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