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They could show that clip from Scanners and they'd still put No one was harmed
Should change the channels name to No One was Harmed
That Turtle Was Huge.
2:23 they did a lot wrong here
"No one was harmed." So what 😁
Someone probably got a Blu-ray delivered by the Amazon driver (2:53), so they decided to sit down and watch it, only to have that same driver take out the power.
No one was injured…Yeah right. You could hear the screams…
Thoses "no one was injured" are just a joke seriously…
People WERE harmed
Stop saying no one was harmed when we clearly know they was
Car:*blows up with 5 people in it
Fail army: “nO OnE WaS hARmEd”
"No one was harmed" Lies, People were definitely harmed, you can tell in a lot of the clips, They just end them so you cannot see the carnage after.
Do you really need to include that no one was harmed in every second clip??
no one was harmed?! the only reason to post that is to relieve your sadistic guilt
Very Nice Bro! Get Good People!
FailArmy: No One Was Harmed
Guy in video: Rolling on floor in pain
"No one was harmed"… Okay
Change to "hurt army"
I think they forgot a comma. It should be "no, one was harmed"
0:16 literally hits her head on the rock
I like how "no one was harmed" when that rock climbing girl with no helmet clearly smacked her head really hard against the rock!
I counted 4 "Kid Wipes Out!" moments
“No one was harmed…”
I don’t think that term means what you think it means
I thought this was about dumbass kids, not dumbass adults. See more adults than kids doing something dumb.
"No one was harmed" How do you know that for sure? Some crashes were so hard! Stop using that phrase if you don't know. And stop those annoying subtitles. Without those your video's will be better
That dude with the fire was just pathetic, he should've told the two-legged cow to just stfu!
3:16 LOL wtf how is no one talkin about that one
that fire in the kitchen one legit made me laugh
"No one was harmed" aka no one died? lol
that first woman falling and swinging hitting the back of her head solidly into the cliff lol…"no one was harmed"
Clearly these 'no one was harmed' comments are… Uuuummm… Not well researched…!!
6:57 really… crying over a damn turtle…
This channel is educational for anyone especially young people who may not realize all those "like a boss" video clips and the like come with a possible painful downside. The orthopedic surgeons aren't complaining though.
At first I was thinking “awe kid is scared of a little turtle. That’s cute” then they rounded the corner to a big ass tortoise 🤣. Hell I’d be scared of that at first too kid!
6:39 That turtle was WAY bigger than I thought.
4:15 ultimate fail moment
No one was harmed logo, is a powerfull method to transform the tragedy to comedy.
Woow that turtle is really amazing!!!
Holy crap the tortoise made my day XD
How last one is fail?:)
Sure “No one was harmed”. Where is the evidence to back that up?