Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series we’re going to take a look at the important role statistics play in our everyday lives, because statistics are everywhere! Statistics help us better understand the world and make decisions from what you’ll wear tomorrow to government policy. But in the wrong hands, statistics can be used to misinform. So we’re going to try to do two things in this series. Help show you the usefulness of statistics, but also help you become a more informed consumer of statistics. From probabilities, paradoxes, and p-values there’s a lot to cover in this series, and there will be some math, but we promise only when it’s most important. But first, we should talk about what statistics actually are, and what we can do with them. Statistics are tools, but they can’t give us all the answers.
Episode Notes:
On Tea Tasting:
“The Lady Tasting Tea” by David Salsburg
On Chain Saw Injuries:
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dude i'm enrolled in statistics and the pre-rec says I had to have had a 3.0 or took calculus in high school this is finna destroy me when i get to class
These examples are very insightful. I love this video, I feel like even one who has no idea what statistics is, will understand wayyy more
I just finished a summer statistics course. I thought it was going to be really difficult, but it was actually fun. I completely fell in love with statistics this summer. Don't let everyone get into your head about how much it sucks; it isn't true!
There are two types of people in the world:
Someone who searched this topic driven by school related things
Someone who really wanted to learn statistics
i love my mrs.lawton she’s my favorite teacher ever
I’m sorry to say but I literally came here because of timothee and his statistics song
Okay WHAT?
I was very curious if she guessed the correct tea cups
Timothee chalamet has entered the chat
Very Useful..Thanks for the course..!
I have just discovered this series and i can only say thank you. I started learning statistics last year and these videos give me a much wider view of this subject, which i really appreciate
Ok can I just say that the woman said "what IS statistics" instead of "what ARE statistics". Maybe I'm wrong but I think that is incorrect 😂😂
All i hear in this video is the word Statistics. Really painful
I am learning statistics and you have made it too simple. Thank you.
thank yoou
Can you use statistics in the stock market?
As a woman who operates chainsaws I can say that on average that men are more likely to cut themselves than women. How do I know this? I've seen it.
Start with the definition of "statistics".
god I hate statistics, so boring
please add Indonesian subtitles for all videos
Statistics yup statistics yup
Can we please get a series on math ? Please
subscribe to my channel if u want to learn more about statistics
"or you could grab a big handful of taffy" this is usually a good policy
lucky bamboo is beautiful
The average got by dividing the sum by their number is called the arithmetic mean or mean
who is from January 2020?
To answer the question; what is statistics? we first need to answer the question, what are statistics?
LOL!! As a bow hunter not only is that funny but also true. I'm using this joke when I'm teaching my hunting classes. Come to think about it, the only reason I miss is because I over think the shot.
Doesn't take statistics to work out there's a correct way to make tea and the rest are just wrong.
It's yo boy lil Timmy T
lol you have a creeper in your back
Is inferential same as qualitive and descriptive as quantitive? Im a noob at statistics.
You clearly don't own a cat…
make more of these i beg u
Thank goodness Crash Course has a statistics playlist. This channel is the reason I passed Biology in the 12th grade lol
Is the furniture behind her suppose to be a bell curve or just coincidence? 🤔
“just like our eyes and ears filter out unnecessary stimuli just to give us the best, most useful stuff”
me, with adhd: o_O
Thank you made me learned something
Wow I enjoyed this
Why would anyone thumb these videos down? They're fantastic and make statistics interesting and easy to understand.
Why is she speaking so fast?
Wish You guys had applied statistics to decide how to present this complex topic appropriately! This lady seems like running very fast and focused more on articulation than the wonders of statistics…
Statistics = Mathematical way of making a guess.
Kudos for the bell curve bookshelf in the backround. Nice Easter egg 😉