“Fire in Paradise” – A year after the devastating Camp Fire, FRONTLINE examines who’s to blame and why it was so catastrophic.
With accounts from survivors and first responders, the documentary tells the inside story of the most destructive fire in California’s history, its causes and the impact of climate change.
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Frontline, keep doing what you are doing! would love to help translate all this videos (or dub them in spanish). This needs to be watched all around the world. True heroes, brave men and women, And important lessons! Never stop making these videos PBS!
"You are responsible for your own safety", Butte County Sheriff
Naturally PBS blames the utility PG&E, on which the media and environmentalists have been waging war for 50 years. Every California fire is blamed on PG&E, it seems, even though there are many cases of arson, accidents (like campfires that get out of control) and lightning. And of course PBS says over and over for years that every fire is a result of "climate change". Well, how about the real culprit, which is modern-day environmentalism? The "greenies" have sought everywhere to block 'forest management' practice like thinning trees and cutting firebreaks that would significantly mitigate fires. California's forests, which are very dry anyway, are choked out with old, flammable trees and dead wood. Then look at satellite maps and videos of these towns, where the forest grows right up the edge of the town and into the town too. Many of these towns look like they are set in the forest, because that is the way people want to live, according to their utopian 'green' outlook. Well, then, your town burns down because you didn't plan properly for a bad situation.
What is crazy is this. Yes the fire fighters did an amazing job I feel they are the best of the best. But my problem is,why the cops and the justice system not doing their job. Corporation people don't go to jail so that means they allowed to kill as many people as they want by mistake and get away with it. Y'all do not see who the cars work for with the judge system is all about and they got the right to judge us individually how is that. How could this make sense to anybody. Yes people was able to sue and make some money and they had to pay out some money. But then it was allowed to make the electric bills to go up higher so we all could pay for that loss they took. And all of this is legal why because we live in a corporation America. Really wake up people stop allowing the rich take away your common sense. Money can not replace luv or ur family. Well I can say the court system is a joke, but the wrath of God is not. And I can smell God's sweet justice that is coming. They think they got away with something. Ok good luck
That looked spookier than hell. The evacuation plan was weaker than weak, they never anticipated a fire like that, got too comfortable.
85 dead out of a population of
50,000 people is remarkable.
Joe Kennedy, the firefighter who decided to drive that bulldozer and clear a path is a geniune God-given hero, I would love to shake his hand! He single-handedly saved many lives! God bless you Mr. Kennedy.
That evac. was way way too late and where was air attack during all that?
Official should should be prisoned period!!
Big lesson learned, you always have to have a worse case scenario fire drill. No matter how frequently fires breakout in the area…
Australia went up in flames a year later. PGnE went bankrupt from the insurance claims against them as they were found responsible for igniting the fire.
The cops, and firefighters had a lame excuse for everything that went wrong.
I see this and it looks like the Apocalypse
This fire was so devastating for the whole Paradise community & Butte County
so basically miscommunication and lack of information from other resources was one of the major factors of the first day
Once again blame the people for the short comings of the people in charge!!! Such crap!!! Let me be clear I'm not mad at the first responders I'm mad at the people who allow a company to shut the power off instead of forcing them to fix their crap equipment because it's cheaper to shut it off than it is to fix it!!!
How to avoid this bullshit? Cultural burning. All this brush should have been burned decades ago, but the POLITICIANS wouldn't let the Bureau of Land Management do their job.
One word to help the evacuation: Helicopter. Yes I understand that they couldn’t fly, but some rescue pilots are pretty daring. Take for example the Salvador Allende. Two Air Force helicopters flew 800 miles out to see in a hurricane to save lives. I don’t understand why the fire helicopters couldn’t save those trapped people with a winch.
I'm copying and pasting this comment I left on another fire video. It applies just the same here.
This the Paradise California, Dallas Texas Boulder Colorado and many other "Wildfires" are PLASMA and or DEW directed energy weapon fires in the last several years.
The Earth's poles shifting causing the magnetic shielding to shut down letting in cosmic rays creating spontaneous PLASMA fires.
In all these years our LEADERS and MSM have been silent about these plasma fires blaming them on "CLIMATE CHANGE" caused by us using fossil fuels, raising crops, livestock AND cowfarts.
They also have several directed energy weapons
DEW's or and technologies to create any kind of weather anywhere in the world, flooding, droughts, tornadoes all of them including fires and earthquakes.
They can direct this incoming cosmic rays energy caused by the Earth's poles shifting with HAARP, HAMMER, SMACC or solar magnetic amplification causative configurator and start these PLASMA DEW fires which is what this and many other fires our the last several years.
They could easily stop the droughts here in the US by using their rainmaking technologies but they don't.
Why don't they tell us why these trees are burning from the inside out, cars engine blocks wheels glass melting into rivulets on the pavement far away from trees or any fuel source? Etc.
They let us suffer and tell us it's caused by us .
Wake up and research all of this.
We need to stand up en masse NOW against all this tyrannical BS overtaking OUR world or we're finished.
Watch some of Jeff Snyder2's YouTube channel videos. He's probably getting the most relevant information out there that I've seen in these fires the last several years.
All the bad weather events in the last 10-20 years or more have also been caused by our LEADERS technologies that we paid for them to learn, build and use against us.
Please wake up and research this stuff. God bless all of you and your families.
@34:15 I hope the interviewer was fired for this. Insensitivity at its finest
If there is one thing that unites most Californians, both liberal and conservative, it’s PG&E and their criminality, shitty infrastructure, and utter negligence.
Newsom saved PG&E's butt. PG&E and Newsom have been in bed together for some time. Newsom survived a recall election in 2022… And…the democraps are thinking of running this crook for president in 2024?? Are you kidding me?
PG&E's negligence regarding maintenance of its power lines and the stopping of fires that should be allowed to burn the low growing trees and brush are major factors in contributing to these huge fires. The attitude of putting out ALL forest fires must be stopped and small fires need to be allowed to burn out the fuel for these huge fires.
My sister and I live on the fourth floor of a low income housing building. ONE elevator which will NOT work in a fire. WE are both disabled and use walkers. WE have accepted the fact that in a major disaster of any kind, we are dead, even if we survive the major event, NO ONE will be coming to rescue us. WE will not be able to rescue ourselves. WE have rope, and we have a balcony. WE have three fire extinguishers. WE sleep in our respective hospital beds in our bedrooms. WE do not keep flammable chemicals that can burn, nor candles. WE use battery operated candles for power outages and flash lights. WE have cases of bottled water and food on our shelves in case of emergency and are prepared to share with other trapped people, we realize that others might kill us for our supplies, and we have already accepted this too. Mankind is not inherently altruistic and in an a disaster it is every person for themselves, although we are altruistic and would stop to help others.
We have our faith in God, and believe He would see to it we die quickly, and not suffer too badly. WE are well within 50 miles of an active volcano, MT. HOOD which has been inactive for hundreds of years, but the USGS has now declared active. WE heard and saw Mt. St. Helens go from where we live across the Columbia River Gorge. WE know how THAT went, having the ash fall on us. If Mt Hood went, Gresham could not evacuate everyone, being the 4th largest city in Oregon. We would have a fantastic view, and we are in the path of a lava flow, just like our Dad's house is too. WE estimate maybe 5-15 minutes after Mt. Hood blows. WE have already been through the fire thing, and were close to being ready for evacuation. WE know we would have been left behind, since we are disabled and living in low income housing. WE are considered throw away people. NO one cares about us. We have accepted it. it is the Rich people who are saved most of the time.
It seems to be me, that if I had a car and had been living in Paradise, when I first saw the smoke, and had ashes falling on my property, THAT would have been the time, to pack up the car, take food, water, and changes of clothing, the pets, and their supplies, and get the heck out of town!! I would not wait for someone to tell me to leave if I was upwardly mobile and had my own transportation! Waiting until the last minute, gets a person NO where. The time to evacuate is before everyone else does!
Why were there burning vehicles in the roads? Did the owner got out and took a selfie?
I work as a medic/firefighter… but in Georgia. We have hear but thank God we have that miserable humidity so obviously we do nkt deal with the fires that are on this scale. We do have large fires because most of Georgia is wooded but definitely not on this scale. I would like to honor those firefighters who work in California, Oregon, Arizona, and New Mexico. That fPld Fire chief that was talking about being on the phone with the woman that he couldn't get to and listening to her desperate pleasure for help and ultimately listen to her and her family burn alive… right on the phone with her that's the type of call you never forget. In short, because I hate bringing it up, we had a warehouse fire where a group of 4 people that were trapped inside am office of which I never believed there wasn't an emergency exit and they had became incapacitated by the smoke. For the life life me I never understood it but they tied the door shut. We could hear someone coughing but they couldn't find the door I guess but as we were chopping at the door the coughing fell silent not even 7 seconds before we gained access. By that time all 4 were dead from smoke inhalation. You never forget those kind of calls … Ever
20 to 30 million dollars for an express route out of a town in a fire zone is a drop in the bucket for all the multi millionaires and billionaires in california . make them pay for it ! they obviously have a Noblesse Oblige obligation to their state and country . force bill gates and other billionaires to make it rain when needed and stop precipitation when needed (to stop floods) . bill gates was talking about putting particulates in the atmosphere to change weather and climate that got out of hand .
for profit PG&E has got to go ! California needs public utilities . PG&E is profit over safety and maintenance . High voltage power lines break and spark fires. You can't tell me lightening is causing all these wildfires in California
It's crazy how fast and destructive this fire grew into a monster. Rest in peace to those that lost there lives in this fire, especially those four people that were trapped in a basement with the bedridden man, couldn't imagine how scary that could've been
i remember seeing videos of people just skeletons cooked in their cars
What makes me angrier than anything is the fact that PG&E has pleaded guilty, but nobody associated with it is doing prison time. Yes, it's a company, but the decisions made by certain individuals led to this.
Typical CalFire. Worst fire agency in the country. I never trusted their incident commanders. Total shit show when they are managing an incident
I think in (my opinion) they should always send out a helicopter along with a firetruck when there is any type of fire in these particular places and let them contact 911 to alert The community,, firemen cannot see what’s going on around them it could save a lot of lives,, even if it’s a small fire,, I don’t wait to is out of control to call a 🚁 Lack of communication