The diet that helps fight climate change

The diet that helps fight climate change
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You don’t have to go vegan to fight climate change. Research shows that small changes to our diets can make big differences.

Climate Lab is produced by the University of California in partnership with Vox. Hosted by conservation scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan, the videos explore the surprising elements of our lives that contribute to climate change and the groundbreaking work being done to fight back. Featuring conversations with experts, scientists, thought leaders and activists, the series demystifies topics like nuclear power, food waste and online shopping to make them more approachable and actionable for those who want to do their part. Sanjayan is an alum of UC Santa Cruz, a Visiting Researcher at UCLA and the CEO of Conservation International.

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The University of California is a pioneer on climate research, renewable energy and environmental sustainability. UC is dedicated to providing scalable solutions to help the world bend the curve on climate change. UC research is also paving the way for the university to meet its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025. Read more about our commitment at

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  1. Great video!! I am not vegan nor vegetarian, but I make meat a special occasion, maybe once in two weeks. And it should be local and organic.
    I do that for two reasons:
    1. I try to live as an example for the people around me, and I think chances are higher they adopt my view on food this way compared to vegan
    2. I enjoy the taste every once in a while

  2. My concern is that whenever we're told that reducing meat intake will help cut the emissions, that only works if EVERYONE reduces their intake. If I dont buy meat at a supermarket, it doesn't particularly matter because it has been grown, harvested, packaged and shipped to the supermarket. The meat industry will not take a hit until some big changes happen to our habits. What's worse is the same amount of meat will be produced for sometime and then it will just be wasted.

  3. If you are talking about climate you should include use of fresh water, ocean acidification and the cost of transporting the foodstuffs to the cows. You say that we should cut down on meat because it is bad for the planet, why not stop altogether? You wouldn't tell a wife beater or a animal abuser to cut down. If it is wrong, it is wrong. Stop altogether.

  4. It’s so funny when u see all these “meat eaters” trying to defend themselves but as this video and many others have said going vegan is the best way to help our planet the guy said eating less meat is helping but the best thing to do is going vegan. I’m just so confused like seriously y would you settle on something that helps just a little than doing something that not only helps your self helps and the innocent animals but helps our planet in the best way I just don’t get it??

  5. Mussels, or clams. Most sustainable, least cruel animal protein source there is. Filters toxins out of the water, breaks them down, and shoots the low impact waste products out the back door.

    No nervous system so doesn't feel pain no matter how much you try to torture one.

    Delicious with a chili tomato sauce and crusty bread. We have them two or three times a week and don't miss the farty meats one little bit

  6. Just because YOU don't eat it doesn't mean it just gets rid of its emissions, it is still being made and processed, just someone else is going to eat and you'll miss out on a good steak for the feeling of accomplishment where there is none..

  7. i eat everything, all but BEEF and DAIRY. It is so simple. Sure i still eat other meats, but if everyone stopped eating beef, there would be a MASSIVE impact.

  8. The best thing for the planet would be a mass extinction event that mostly affects humans. The best thing for HUMANS would be all this carbon conscious stuff.

  9. My anticipation to use “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) fat loss plan is at all time high. My diet regime as well as my frequency of several work outs was not modified and change. In only a short period of 1 month, I currently dropped 6 pounds. With the help of this technique, I did observe that I ate less and filled up faster. .

  10. That is a lot of testosterone lacking in this diet. We were not meant to eat grain unless you like bloating on a new level. We can eat some but not that much. We were meant to eat a lot of meat, and quality wild meat at that. These doctor diets are really based upon the food pyramid which was made by the government in the 40s. Also, nature will adapt to climate change as we screw ourselves so it will be alright, nature will survive.

  11. I’m mostly vegan and zero waste and it’s a process that took roughly 3 years. Everything is a habit so take it slow and easy ?

  12. I believe we should also be careful on where the product comes from for example if like those eggs come from an intensive chicken breeding or from chicken raised on earth fed with natural food, meat/ milk also ask yourselves where does that come from and is it sustainable and is the animal treated right (cause that affects a lot the quality of the product). We should support local farmers and breeders and sustainable agricolture. Also for plants it's very important. ps. actually the waste produced by the animals can be used as manure (in italy it still is) instead of chimical fertilizersit's natural and it's healthier.( it is actually what plants eat- dead decomposed animals, their waste and water).

  13. That makes litte sense to me: to have cheese you need also insane amount of cows to produce it, so how beeing vegetarian is any better that beeing meat eater? Both are equally bad

  14. Look I have this idea, and it may not work, but hear me out. What we need to do is not change our diets, or drive low emission vehicles, or even look into creating alternative, clean energy.


    What we need to do is come together, in peace and harmony, and shoot ourselves into the sun!

    I admit the burning of our bodies on the sun may create unwanted emissions near or on the sun but we all have to make sacrifices sometimes. Come on, it's for the planet! Just do it you imbeciles, DO IT NOW BECAUSE I SAID SO!

  15. If we consume these foods we are not emmiting any carbon dioxide because it was already emmited from producing these products. In fact, we are financing the production by consuming them . If we lower are consumption then we lower the production of high carbon dioxide food products, therefore decreasing co2 emissions.

  16. I stopped eating meat, drinking milk, eating fish, eating cheese.
    I only eat eggs 🙂
    I feel so much better not eating meat, my skin turned so much better and i feel so much healthier.

  17. Loved that you covered this very important topic! I went vegan three years ago for the environment, and it's the best decision I've ever made! I feel great not only physically but mentally and emotionally. It has completely changed my outlook on life and other living beings, including our beautiful living planet. This year I decided to launch a blog to share a lot of what I've learned in this process, because it definitely was a process. Basically relearning everything I knew about food. If anyone is interested:

  18. I want to go vegan but i love gelato (ice cream) and smoothy too much. I'm italian so it's things you find everywhere here especially during our hot summers. What can i eat that is as sweet as delicious and fresh as ice cream? Please give me advice ???

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