FULL CRIT on NASUS MID means I can CRIT for over 1000 EVERY TIME
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Usually what makes settings feel different is mouse cursor speed and camera speed. Also why the fuck would you turn mana numbers on lmao
Omg I thought I was the only one with the changed settings thing. My account got hacked and after I recovered it my settings were all changed and it took forever for things to feel right again. Happened with a new PC as well. Nobody believes me when I say it.
Crit Nasus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My reddit post will spread! My ideas will spread!
Thank you Pekin, all will fear crit nasus
Day 1 asking for ad mundo mid
A couple of tips some people might not know about:
Nasus q is an "unstoppable" auto attack, meaning it continues even if he gets cc'd as long as he has started it (unless he loses vision or dies). Many champions' empowered autos (and Jhin's fourth shot) behave in the same way.
Cannons, super minions, enemy champions, and large jg monsters give +12 instead of +3 for q stacks.
Shieldbow used to give increased lifesteal after the shield proc'd, but they removed it for simplicity.
Nasus' wither increases over the duration, meaning tenacity will reduce the timer as usual but also causes the slow to ramp up faster.
Nasus slow is definitely really good but I feel like people don't talk as much about the armor shred on his E. It's really nice
5:53 My midlaner at level 3 would disagree apparently.
pekin , real question, why every time i try to haras a mele with a range i got bully by their minions and we end up even, but when u do it u seem inmune -.- i dont get that
In theory you'd want to sell boots and Mythic to get a crit item to replace the Mythic and go Duskblade for the invis. Would let you get a single kill then rotate without them hitting you for another kill.
Nice to see you mention people who struggle with melee vs ranged. Would be good to go over that more against a variety of players, both aggressive and passive.
Do Nasus stacks count towards the crit damage? I think the damage is counted separately.
Hey pekin, I would love to see some Swain gameplay at some point. Alos hope youre doing well
This build is troll even in silver elo.
“No reason to burn flash… unless you have a reason.” Challenger player everyone XD
You wish you could build me no?
Runes at 12:16
god i fkn hate nasus
i dont get how this champ doesnt get reworked entirely..
if you lose lane, you just farm up, if you win lane.. you win the game 95% of the time
Imagine having sustain and infinite scaling in your crit.. if you face a nasus and your team loses, it doesnt matter how far ahead you are since you have to at some point help your team while enemy nasus just keeps stacking
I lost to a 0 10 nasus because my team lost so hard.. and i dont mean the match only i mean a 1 v 1
after he gets 500 stacks and has 2 items you cant win with a lot of the toplaners even if you have 2-3 items up on him.. so stupid
only two champs who half counter him are veigar and vayne.. and both are in your enemy team
The fact that he maintains his calm with a team like that is… incredible. I'm getting tilted at his team just by watching.
"Let's just pretend I'm a good player who can dodge the crowd control"
Enemy team with 50% point and click cc 🤨
super fun game, you needed 1 mr item aka visage
That was almost an amazing comeback…
Would have won if the build was right. Nasus can two-tap and survive longer with bruiser build.
nasus: . soraka: .. teemo: . karthus: … draven: .
I was gonna say something but the comment section disappeared, i reload youtube but now i forgot what i was gonna say
Happens to me as well. Started ranked game last night just to realize all my settings were reset .
day 13 of asking pekin to win a game on every champ in alphabetical order
lmao at the people crying pekin missed some stacks touch grass
with that team he could have stacked every single minion on the map and still lose
17:41 Welcome to normals
i love pekin content
As a Viktor player this really hurt to watch
love how positive your team was despite everything that went on in that game 💀
try again with duskblade trust
what a fun game
In your previous videos you are asking about picks we want to see with Star Guardian skins. I'd be really pumped to see Quinn mid. You max W first for the Harrier speed, go Kraken/Wits and kite queen + roam with R Uber. If you want a reference, go check QuinnAD, you played on his team before in high elo and he's a very good educational commentor like yourself! 🙂
So good
My settings also got reset today
Galeforce and Phantom Dancer would counteract some of the loss of movespeed if you sold boots. Especially with Celerity and Nasus' high movespeed. You'd probably have around 400 or so.
This is so absurd.. High crit + high lifesteal + infinite mana…
for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
hey do you coaching 🙂
You get +12 on cannons too
You know you can just lock your config and it will never change for settings
Day 9927272827227192 of asking for panth mid!!!
I come to YouTube for sewing tutorials and then get distracted by Pekin clickbait wtf bro ur ruining my life
Can Nasus Q even crit?
I thought the auto will but the stacks can't crit