Eagles are some of the best hunters on the planet. When it’s time to hunt, they don’t play around. From up above, they strike with incredible speed and precision and seldom miss their target. Let’s find out what they’re capable of as we look at 8 most amazing hunts by eagles caught on camera.
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Eagle Hunt Snake
Sea snakes spend most of their time in the water, but they do not have gills. Because their lungs stretch almost the entire length of their bodies, they must swim to the surface to breathe, putting them at risk. Because it has young to feed, this white-bellied sea eagle is out looking for them, armed with keen vision and razor-sharp talons. The eagle has mastered the snatch and grab, and the sea snake is one of her favorite prey. The snake is snatched by the eagle, but it is not going down without a fight. As the eagle flies towards the nest with her prize, the snake begins to fight back. He can bite even in mid-air. He might be able to kill his abductor if he injects his venom, but biting an enemy in mid-air is difficult, especially for a creature that spends most of its time in the water.
For this snake, it’s too little, too late. This eagle holds down a snake with its talons and you can see the snake striking at the eagle non-stop, trying to bite it, but it doesn’t faze the eagle one bit. I’m not sure if this snake is venomous, but whatever the case may be, the eagle doesn’t seem to care. This snake eagle is up against a cobra, and it slowly approaches the snake, but the cobra is not easy prey to kill. The eagle takes its time, walking around the snake, trying to determine the best angle of attack.
Bald Eagle Vs Owl
Owls are formidable predators and I’m not sure how they would fend off an eagle attack, but I’m quite sure it would be explosive. This owl is “squatting” in this eagle’s nest, and when the bald eagle returns, he is not happy and attacks the owl. The eagle easily overpowers the owl and kicks him out of the nest in no time.
Marie and Willie’s Bald Eagle nest has been taken over by Bonnie and Clyde, a pair of Great Horned Owls. In the meantime, the owl hatched an egg in the nest, and she has no plans to leave. These images show the eagle Marie’s attempts to coax Bonnie out of her nest. For the time being, Great Horned Owls rule the roost.
Meticulousness of the eagle’s eyes and unforgiving claws in most cases, the preys are “out of luck”.
I once saw a falcon goes down from very high on a rabbit. I use the word "saw" very loosely here as I didn't even saw what happened. The falcon dropped and climbed but the rabbit wasn't there anymore. I don't think the entire ordeal too half of a second. It was incredibly fast.
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Harm a Wolf and you're my enemy.
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هی مرد عالی بود
Dynamite footage of eagle's 🦅 attacking prey, favorite is one species of eagle attacking goat 🐐 on mountain only to life then drop it to it's death to he eaten by him!
Süper 💯💯💯.