In this video i showcase the Natural Disaster Survival Hub Gui exploit script
Feel free to comment below letting me know what you are interested in seeing in the next showcases! If you want me to showcase your script you can message me about it on discord.
Script: https://roblox-scripts.co/natural-disaster-survival-gui
Tobu – Lost
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/2wybH9b
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Email to contact me for serious stuff and business: thescriptshowcaser@gmail.com
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Let me know if you wanna see more game specifc guis like this!
darks voice is adorable
what is this tp to china
I've been testing some Natural Disaster Survival script and this is the best one yet, It works ✅
NDS HUB DEV HERE! If your wondering why the script won't load on free executors, it is most likely because there is a copy text function which is only supported by paid executors such as synapse. So if you were to use it on KRNL it may not load.
the tall and small part of the script isn't broken u just have to go into r15 scaling and scale your avatar into a ceratin way so they can work
for tall:
– needs to be rthro
— HeightScale: 105%
— WidthScale: 100%
— HeadScale: 100%
— ProportionScale: 0%
— BodyType: 100%
for small:
— HeightScale: 90%
— WidthScale: 70%
— HeadScale: 100%
— ProportionScale: 100%
— BodyType: 0%
Working 100% ✅ I'm thankful cuz my executer updated and I don't lag anymore
help inside the script app there is no Roblox
sent help
In the link to the script you can only get link to their discord but nothing about this NDS script .
thank you
I will ses if it work
Won't you get banned for this? Please enlighten me 😖
his the best roblox scripter
How can i download it/ get it? i clicked the script link but it just takes me to a page with letters on it. it seems to be sort of like a link that I have to copy n paste?
what executor are u using
i destroy 50 servers and I am feared by the natural disaster community.
can other people see it
could you make a video where you can move objects i seen a exploiter like that
i love your scripts, absolutely amazing
Hi new fan here. Can you please teach me how to do this
where do I get the NDS hub
how to use admin its say i need a tool
I love this guys scripts
Does it work with KRNL?
Natural Disaster Survival: Hardmode
Survive the natural disasters, and exploiters!
Dark's among the only ones in the exploit Youtube community that we can actually trust
you are an god my guy
oh no i didnt know he will do client sided scripts
It work on arceus x?
what is the link to their discord server?
yes! fe guis : D
tienes muchos bots de subcriptores
What i need to paste once i got into the link of the script?
Hey I'm subbed can you show us how to get fe scpirts
Can u please show some r6 dance animation scripts
Where can I join their discord since the ui looks cool
I still don’t understand what a FE script is. Can you explain me? Ty.
wat executor do u need to execute these kind of script cuz krnl wont work
how can u use the script