Cute Puppies and the Best Movies of 2013

Cute Puppies and the Best Movies of 2013
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The Fricken Film Critic returns to tell you all his list of the best movies of the year, with the help of some adorable little friends… no, not you guys! PUPPIES! Bull dog pups, labrador pups, pug pups, and other pups! Don’t you all just love dogs and animals and find them adorable? Well, you’ll love this video! You’ll also love the little montage of the Fricken Film Critic’s downfall- post-youtube, of course. Enjoy!


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About the Author: thefrickenfilmcritic


  1. Wait, no. You can't put a movie you didn't like on your top 10 that makes no sense. I did like it and is it a commentary, but if you didn't like it then what the hell? Even if it stays with you, you still didn't like it. 

  2. My grandmother took me to see The Wolf of Wall Street and it got really awkward after Jordan snorted coke out of the girls asshole..

  3. Great list, man! Here's mine-

    1. Her
    2. Prisoners
    3. Gravity
    4. Mud
    5. The Place Beyond the Pines
    6. Short Term 12
    7. Captain Phillips
    8. Fruitvale Station
    9. The World's End
    10. 12 Years a Slave

  4. The Act of Killing was ridiculously intense. I had no idea how to feel towards Anwar Congo by the end.

    And The World's End just gives me so much confidence that Edgar Wright will kick even more ass with Ant-Man!

  5. I'm always impressed with your lists because they aren't the same choices as everyone else's and give me some more movies to check out. I still haven't seen 'Her' and 'The Wolf of Wall Street'  yet as they haven't been released in Australia yet. I will be watching '12 Years a Slave' tonight  so adding my list is probably pointless. 

    10. The Conjuring
    9. The Kings of Summer
    8. The Place Beyond The Pines
    7. Kick Ass 2
    6. Filth
    5. The Dirties
    4. Lone Survivor
    3. Evil Dead
    2. Fruitvale Station
    1. Prisioners

  6. I only saw 4 great movies this year unfortunately. Spring Breakers, Why Don't You Play in Hell?, Moebius and Upstream Color. Still need to see Wolf of Wall Street and Her though.

  7. Awesome video, but bro u gotta take Spring Breakers off the list and put Prisoners, Captain Phillips or Man of Steel on there. All FAR superior films in every way imaginable. Great number 1 pick. Wolf was fantastic!!!!!

  8. A top 15 for this year:

    15. The World's End

    14. The Croods

    13. This Is The End

    12. Star Trek Into Darkness

    11. Man of Steel

    10. Despicable Me 2

    9. Thor: The Dark World

    8. The Conjuring

    7. Pacific Rim

    6. Rush

    5. Iron Man 3

    4. Frozen

    3. Oblivion

    2. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    1. Gravity

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