Economic Systems and Macroeconomics: Crash Course Economics #3

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In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill teach you about Economic Systems and Macroeconomics. So, economics is basically about choices. We’ll look at some of the broadest economic choices when we talk about the difference between planned economies and market economies. We’ll get into communism, socialism, command economies, and capitalism. We’ll look at how countries choose the kind of system they’re going to use (spoiler alert: many end up with mixed economies). We’ll also look into how individuals make economic choices.

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TO: Everyone
FROM: Martin

To gild refined gold is just silly.

TO: Dana
FROM: Cameron

Still holding out. We’re going to make it!

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  1. I love economics and I love CrashCourse. But the videos are too fast-paced and even if you already understand the concepts well, it's too hard to follow along with the video because it jumps forward from one topic to the next too quickly.
    I set the speed to .75 to be able to understand what's going on but the audio is slightly choppy and the voices sound drunk.

  2. Thank you Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill, and CrashCourse team.
    I was wondering if it is ethical/legal to localize this content and produce something almost similar in a different language? 🙂

  3. Can someone explain to me what the connection of the socialism stuff is to the planned and market economies because my mind is not following at all…

  4. Here 4 years later. I took economics during winter intercession and it was some things I didn’t retain. Thank you crash course! Being knowledgeable about economics is so vital!

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