Coming up To The 10 Year Anniversary Since Super Storm Sandy Next Month and 7 days left
Wow, i was born in manhattan, my parents must have been sad
I remember sandy. I was delivered bread during the hurricane. But the neighborhood got messed up.
Never say, never again.
I was there when that happened! My rental apartment was on the 26th floor in the Financial District, and we didn't get the memo to leave, so we stayed in the apartment for 2 days before venturing out. Blehhhhh, getting up those stairs, lol. It was fascinating though; the amount of water in basements and coming out of the subway entrances, the people all being kind and helpful. It was actually heartwarming.
Whose here as NY floods this evening 👀
And now a new hurricane cat 1 is coming your way. Henri. Time for new Yorkers to start whining like it's the worst hurricane in existence again. You had all year to prepare. Years even. Ready or not here it comes.
Let me know when it's like hurricane Michael. or hurricane Henry. or Hurricane Wilma. Then we'll talk worst hurricane in existence.
What a lot of people didn’t realize is that at this time, almost all of NYC was still running on copper telecom lines. Everyone’s calls and internet were using these lines that run underground. It forced Verizon to completely rip out all of the copper cabling and replace it with fiber. There’s still a lot of copper underground but this absolutely crushed the city’s infrastructure. Google “Verizon nyc sandy cable vault”, you’ll see what I mean.
2:49 I remember that was the last thing I saw before all the lights went out in my apartment.
Hey it's Fredo.
my condolences to city rats. may they rest in peace.
Its hard to believe this happened in 2012 i thought this was in 2015 or 2016 for some reason
Sandy affected the subways so bad. It’s the reason why they’re so many delays and even after corona.
This wasnt Good
As a baby I survived
That is the year I was born
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! They didn’t block the comments!!!!!!!!!! Hello people!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t believe it’s going to be 10 years wow
Coming up To The 10 Year Anniversary Since Super Storm Sandy Next Month and 7 days left
Wow, i was born in manhattan, my parents must have been sad
I remember sandy. I was delivered bread during the hurricane. But the neighborhood got messed up.
Never say, never again.
I was there when that happened! My rental apartment was on the 26th floor in the Financial District, and we didn't get the memo to leave, so we stayed in the apartment for 2 days before venturing out. Blehhhhh, getting up those stairs, lol. It was fascinating though; the amount of water in basements and coming out of the subway entrances, the people all being kind and helpful. It was actually heartwarming.
Whose here as NY floods this evening 👀
And now a new hurricane cat 1 is coming your way. Henri. Time for new Yorkers to start whining like it's the worst hurricane in existence again. You had all year to prepare. Years even. Ready or not here it comes.
Let me know when it's like hurricane Michael. or hurricane Henry. or Hurricane Wilma. Then we'll talk worst hurricane in existence.
What a lot of people didn’t realize is that at this time, almost all of NYC was still running on copper telecom lines. Everyone’s calls and internet were using these lines that run underground. It forced Verizon to completely rip out all of the copper cabling and replace it with fiber. There’s still a lot of copper underground but this absolutely crushed the city’s infrastructure. Google “Verizon nyc sandy cable vault”, you’ll see what I mean.
2:49 I remember that was the last thing I saw before all the lights went out in my apartment.
Hey it's Fredo.
my condolences to city rats. may they rest in peace.
Its hard to believe this happened in 2012 i thought this was in 2015 or 2016 for some reason
Sandy affected the subways so bad. It’s the reason why they’re so many delays and even after corona.
This wasnt Good
As a baby I survived
That is the year I was born
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! They didn’t block the comments!!!!!!!!!! Hello people!!!!!!!!!!!
is it weird that im getting nostalgia from this?
If this Storm didn't happened I would have been living there now
Who's watching this in 2020 when Zeta is said to come threw NYC
2012: Hurricane sally
I don't remember it being that bad
The whole Atlantic Ocean was poring in nyc and flooding the 9/11 memorial
I smell haarp operation.