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That motorcycle-wallet-return-to-phone-break was AMAZING
talk about mother nature striking back.
3:15 what is that gun
Ya gotta love it when FailArmy condones animal tormenting. The dog is clearly resource guarding but it's funny to mess with it. Great message for the viewers.
The bike at 1:55 is not instant karma. Guy in red car honked at him for no reason so bike had a right to flip the car off. 👎 for this video.
ha ha…just what i needed today…makes my life seem blessed. 🙏🏻🇿🇦
Buncha ow's and why's…
11:02 tf is that shit???
Me if dev go
Thumbs down for some fakes.
CIAO DA : VALERIO !!!!!!!!! VALERIO !!!!!!!!!
this supposed to be funny?
Another fail: putting subtitles over the video instead of using Youtube's native caption feature (so that viewers don't have to see the subtitles if they don't want them)
4:50 Rest in peace
that kid falling out the window 😂
07.45 The Verve – Bitterseeet Harmony 😀
If any of my friends thought that flying a kick on to me is 'a prank' I would so change those friends.
Too many reruns.
7:10 that one was awesome. Watched it like ten times👍
"You think I don't watch internet?!" Classic
I've seen a Trans-Am drop out the rear diff before.
communists get thumbs down
I love the cop being in the right place when someone just ignores all traffic laws! Out here in Arizona, no one stops for red lights or stop signs. They buy expensive cars that don't have turn signals. And they follow so closely you can sew their crows feet!
Can this get any lamer?
the way the bus left after they jumped off and fell LMAO
In many places, is not even karma, just tragedy… not funny, very sad…