R I P Sweet mother 😥 We took the mother and the kittens to the vet . The mother was hit from a car and the vet did the best to keep her alive but tonight ( just now ) the vet called and said that the mother died 😥 we will do our best to keep the kittens alive . That’s so sad what happened to the poor mother 😥
No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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Oh. I am so sad. I am glad you were able to get her to the vet. I am sure she is telling God of your good deed. 😢
Did she have head trauma
RIP beautiful girl, rest knowing your precious babies are in the kindest hands. 💕💕
So sad 💔 🌈
I pray for the two kitten🙏
Ach😥😥 Kätzchen/Mami biste über die Regenbogenbrücke, aber die Mini/Kätzchen werden bei Takis/Paradies 💎 die beste Pflege und Liebe bekommen.
Oh nein 🥺😢😢😢🙏❤️
😢😢😢 Έχασε την ζωή της γιατί κάποιος αποφάσισε ότι δεν την θέλει πια 🤬🤬🤬 Ντροπή. Ελπίζω να ζήσουν τα μωράκια. 🐾😔
I’m crying. Poor mama cat 😭😭
I'm so sorry this happened to this beautiful sweet momma kitty.
painful to watch, it so happened Takis was passing ! who dumped mother cat and her kitten on the road in that way have to answer our Creator someday !! we were created not to do evil but do good
I just want to hold the mother in her last moments.
Soooo saaaad!!!! 💔💔💔 But at least she died knowing you were helping her Takis 💖
so sorry …..she is Madona with babies ……. people made it ….cruelty , she has craniotrauma
Sus bebes se salvarán
Pobrecita menos mal que deja a sus bebes en buenas manos lo siento en el alma😢😢😢😢😢😢
this is a hard day to go through, isn't it. The mother, and then Amigo's news. You're not alone takis, allow yourself some much needed rest. We love you and support you!
I'm so sorry this happened. Poor mother…I am crying for her and wish her to rest in love and peace. Dear mother, she stayed alive just long enough to see that Takis will do his best for her babies. 😢😢💐🌷
Rip baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
Im sorru for your lost rest well beautiful mommy im glad you found her kittens they are in good hands you sir trully are strong
R.I.P. little mamma
Bless her!
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭povero amore mio
Tesoro mio 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
So sad that the mama didn't make it, rest in peace mama kitty. I hope her kittens will survive. 🙏🙏🙏
Oh no😢 I'm devastated by this bad news!
Rest in Heaven poor girl!
Oh nein 😢 was für ein trauriges Ende
Ruhe in Frieden du wunderschöner Engel
Takis wird alles dafür tun um deinen Babies ein schönes Leben zu geben 🌈💔
Poor cat is in pain and made to nurse kittens when she's literally dying . Bunch of idiots
O Nein 😢 Es ist so traurig 😔 Aber gut dass du sie gefunden hast,sonst wären auch die kleinen verloren 😔 hoffentlich schaffen sie es auch ohne Mama 🙏sie sind doch noch so winzig 🐈🐾🐈🐾🍀🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️❤️ Danke lieber Takis für all deine Liebe und Fürsorge 🥰😇🕊️🙏
Δεν πρόλαβε να ζήσει η γλυκιά ψυχούλα, κοιμήσου τώρα.
im sad…at least she died knowing that her kittens are safe with you Takis..RIP lovely mother…thanks Takis for your compassion to animals🙏
This is heartbreaking.. rip little Mama