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Ur mom!
There was a tornado in my neighborhood when I was a kid, maybe 4 or 5 years old. It ripped up the apartments next to us then jumped over our apartment and took out the school on the other side of the street. We were on the second floor and my parents didnt know to go down to the first floor in the situation so if it hit us, I'd be dead right now.
6 years ago… im losing muy childhood
I witnessed my school actually exploding and catching on fire the explosion was deafening and it was all over the news
When I was 4 when a tornado went through my back yard didn’t destroy anything. But then when I was 8 a tornado took my trampoline and though it into mine and my neighbors fence.
The biggest disaster was my little lost her teddy bear and she attached me until i bled
I was at home. When a earthquake hit and the pipes burst in 27 places!!!!!!
On my aunts birthday it was 12:00 in the morning and we had an earthquake and I was screaming EARTHQUAKE and we ran out to the backyard and we had no electricity and I had to sleep with my parents and then my mom had to be up at 3:00 am so she could get ready for work and another time was when I was in middle school and it caught on fire and so I had to hang out at my mom’s work until my dad could pick me up
When the giant snowstorm hit in Michigan we got 2 weeks before winter break and 1 week off after break
I actually have a story about a natural disaster that happened so I was about six and my dad and I had just got McDonald's so we decided to drive on home and there's a rail yard about half a mile to a mile away from my home and let's just say there was a 15ft wall of fire it took a day and a half to put the fire out and a rail yard that was like 500 to 1,000 ft long was burnt down there was nothing left of it only ash and dust and dirt
A few weeks ago a tornado was forming and I was excited to actually see a tornado. turns out it was being blocked by the trees.. it never touched the ground
A thunderstorm formed right above us and it struck a car right outside the house. It was really loud and scared the poop out of me.
When I was at my grand parents house and there was a huge thunderstorm and the wind was so crazy we couldn't get off the back porch and grass was flying off the ground. It was sprinkling and we were doing the "thunder dance" (which was orange justice and the floss) My cousin kept pointing everywhere and lightning struck across the ravine by the backyard 😳 turns out it actually blinded all of us for a few seconds… Idk how. We also saw a sign flying across the ravine and we all laughed like crazy
2:25 I mean yeah me too
Wow that was a while ago
Me and my step father got into a fist fight on Christmas, top that
I survived covid 19
I was part of the 2020 utah earthquack eruption.I dont remember the name of it.And School was cancelled and when it was over I called my mom.We dont get many earthquack's here in utah.And that was like a once in a lifetime earthquack.It was a 6.7 utah is only capamble of 7.0.And we have been having aftershock's but i think they are done now.
Worst natural disaster?
Almost getting struck by lightning when you're home alone doing online school in 2020, thanks covid 19 😂
Matthias: the original r/storytime reader
When I was 9, I was in a show (wizard of oz) and at the scene where the tornado happens in the show, a tornado came close to the theatre and all the kids/munchkins got under the table and said "NO ADULTS ALLOWED". Earlier that show we all had to hide in the dressing rooms and I just whipped out my ds and started playing Mario kart or looking at my pictures or something.
I live in Puerto Rico and at 2 0r 4 a.m. there was a 6.4 earth quacke and. We were ina second story im10 years old I had a panic attack becoes there was almost a tsunami I don't really like talking about it I now this is in 2020
When my brother was born
One time, there was a tornado drill at my school. I have a severe phobia of thunder and lightning, so I was worried because I had checked the weather before school and it said thunderstorms, so my stomach was in knots. When we got out of the bathroom, (where we go when a tornado occurs) my dad was next to the school, and my classroom was next to the door which is glass, so you could see it, so I went home early because of the rain and my fear. He brought headphones for me. Turns out there was a tornado warning. Principal might've wanted to keep the classes calm because of that.
One time, there was a tornado drill at my school. I have a severe phobia of thunder and lightning, so I was worried because I had checked the weather before school and it said thunderstorms, so my stomach was in knots. When we got out of the bathroom, (where we go when a tornado occurs) my dad was next to the school, and my classroom was next to the door which is glass, so you could see it, so I went home early because of the rain and my fear. He brought headphones for me. Turns out there was a tornado warning. Principal might've wanted to keep the classes calm because of that.
3:14 corona be like
worst disaster? Global pandemic.
my worst natural disaster is the cornavires
I had a tornado and it was a disaster I probably didn't survive it but I survived so we had to buy the other house and then we actually had to move another house because there were there were like a lot of dust and we thought it was a black dust tornado
Last summer my mom came home freaking out saying their a tornado outside the next I found out their was 19 tornado combined together an destroyed a lot of houses next town to me
Something that is really awkward is when I was like four on Christmas is I Open the wrong present and it was a shaving set and I got mad at my parents then I got sent to time out in my room
Maccas is mcdonalds in Australia
Hurricane Harvey flashbacks to the rain and wind
Is it me or the tornado in the thumbnail looks like a leg thats wearing a shoe
I was born in 2008 and I was born in Iowa and my house 🏠 got flooded
My worst one is seeing tanner when he puts a nope on a different dope
This is a natural disaster one but still: I live in Canada and in September 2018 we had a tornado and the school was closed the next day then the next day everyone who wanted to buy their lunch in the caf got pizza cause all the food went bad
Sorry this is late, RYC. The most weirdest thing that happened on Christmas was that almost every year when I was like 6 or 7 maybe 5? And I kept getting summer sausage from Santa cause I loved summer sausage…XD 😂😑
My worst natural disaster was hurricane sandy flooding my whole garage. By the way this was in my condo
I love your videos mathino
Also one Christmas there was a deer and it was hurt on its ankle so we called animal control and they put it down
I was watched hurricane sandy by the ocean
Anyone in 2k19??
he has the curse of youtube where you vlog stuff instead of getting out of danger
I got a pickle in my gift I was confussed
Worst Natural Disaster: My life.
My biggest natural disaster was in i think 2011 or 12? I was like 3 or 4, i was in Louisiana and it was flooding madly, i didn't have the best house, and it got pretty flooded, and i was screaming and crying, luckily i held onto my dads back the whole time. We escaped there, my maw maw and paw paw's house was right next to ours, since they had this like "Flood-Proof-Gate" They survived, sadly 5 or so years later in August of 2016, their neighborhood got flooded badly, and i am talking high waters, both of them survived, this time without the gate. They moved luckily, now i live in a better and safer state, my dad sometimes gets really emotional when i bring it up.
We had a flood me and my friend where in the basement and we didn’t know it was terrifying 😱