Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Mudflows Austria
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Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga tidak ada korban jiwa dalam bancana alam ini
Rom.8.19. “Porque el anhelo ardiente de la creación es el aguardar la manifestación
de los hijos de Dios.
Rom.8.20. Porque la creación fue sujetada a vanidad, no por su propia voluntad, sino
por causa del que la sujetó en esperanza;
Rom.8.21. porque también la creación misma será libertada de la esclavitud de
corrupción, a la libertad gloriosa de los hijos de Dios.
Rom.8.22. Porque sabemos que toda la creación gime a una, y a una está con dolores
de parto hasta ahora;
Rom.8.23. y no sólo ella, sino que también nosotros mismos, que tenemos las
primicias del Espíritu, nosotros también gemimos dentro de nosotros
mismos, esperando la adopción, la redención de nuestro cuerpo.” AMENNN
Luc.21.28. “Cuando estas cosas comiencen a suceder, erguíos y levantad vuestra
cabeza, porque vuestra redención está cerca.
Luc.21.29. También les dijo una parábola: Mirad la higuera y todos los árboles.
Cuando ya brotan, viéndolo, sabéis por vosotros mismos que el verano
está ya cerca. …
Luc.21.31. Así también vosotros, cuando veáis que suceden estas cosas, sabed que
está cerca el reino de Dios.” AMENNN
Hec.2.19. "Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo, Y señales abajo en la tierra, Sangre y
fuego y vapor de humo;
Hec.2.20. El sol se convertirá en tinieblas, Y la luna en sangre, Antes que venga el
día del Señor, Grande y manifiesto;
Hec.2.21. Y todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo." AMENNN
2Co.5.17. “De modo que si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura es; las cosas viejas
pasaron; he aquí todas son hechas nuevas.
2Co.5.18. Y todo esto proviene de Dios, quien nos reconcilió consigo mismo por
Cristo, y nos dio el ministerio de la reconciliación;
2Co.5.19. que Dios estaba en Cristo reconciliando consigo al mundo, no tomándoles
en cuenta a los hombres sus pecados, y nos encargó a nosotros la palabra
de la reconciliación.
2Co.5.20. Así que, somos embajadores en nombre de Cristo, como si Dios rogase
por medio de nosotros; os rogamos en nombre de Cristo: Reconciliaos
con Dios.” AMENNN
2Pe.3.9. "El Señor no retarda su promesa, según algunos la tienen por tardanza,
sino que es paciente para con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno
perezca, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento.
2Pe.3.10. Pero el día del Señor vendrá como ladrón en la noche; en el cual los
cielos pasarán con grande estruendo, y los elementos ardiendo serán
deshechos, y la tierra y las obras que en ella hay serán quemadas.
2Pe.3.11. Puesto que todas estas cosas han de ser deshechas, ¡cómo no debéis
vosotros andar en santa y piadosa manera de vivir,
2Pe.3.12. esperando y apresurándoos para la venida del día de Dios, en el cual los
cielos, encendiéndose, serán deshechos, y los elementos, siendo
quemados, se fundirán!
2Pe.3.13. Pero nosotros esperamos, según sus promesas, cielos nuevos y tierra
nueva, en los cuales mora la justicia.
2Pe.3.14. Por lo cual, oh amados, estando en espera de estas cosas, procurad con
diligencia ser hallados por él sin mancha e irreprensibles, en paz.
2Pe.3.15. Y tened entendido que la paciencia de nuestro Señor es para salvación;
como también nuestro amado hermano Pablo, según la sabiduría que le ha
sido dada, os ha escrito," AMENNN
《Jesus Christ》has the characteristics
of a God?
1■When 《Jesus Christ》 was on the cross, pronouncing :{My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (v. 2, cf. Mt 27, 46).
▪︎Who is God that Jesus Christ asked?
▪︎If he himself was God, isn't he able to save himself?
▪︎ Do people know the meaning of the word " God"?
☆Where is the intelligence of men?
2■the ranking of prophets, from our father Adam to the last prophet 《Mohamed》(peace be upon him) the prophet 《Jesus Christ》 is ranked 25, so who sent the prophets before Christ?
▪︎ The peoples and nations that preceded Christ, who created them?
3■Look at God who has the power to respond to polytheists and infidels. What did he do to the people of Noah (peace be upon him)? to the people of Aad? Thamud people? People Hood? People of Lot? Pharaoh and his soldiers? Each time he destroys them with a flood, with winds, with hurricanes, with stones, and drowns them in the sea.
▪︎Where was Christ?
▪︎ Was he present with everyone?
▪︎How to associate God with a slave who is not yet born?
☆Where is the intelligence of the human being?
4■When God created the heavens and the earth, the mountains, the sea, the trees, the hated, the light, the beasts, Adam…
▪︎Where was Christ?
▪︎ Did he participate in creation with God?
5■Partnering with 《Allah》 the Almighty is the greatest sin since God created mankind to this day, means having an equal, a partner and an equal to worship with God and God. Sins because it is a mistake and a sin against Almighty God alone, who is worthy of worship, love and sincerity, because He is the Creator, Provider and Giver of the affairs of His creation alone without anyone else. ●{Whoever associates with Allah (other deities,) Allah prohibits him from Paradise; and his refuge will be the Fire. And for the unjust, no helpers!}
6■Who is 《Jesus Christ》?
☆ H' is neither God, nor Son of God, nor angel. He is only a man whom Allah inspired and supported by the Holy Spirit to call people to the Oneness of Allah by not attributing any partner to Him.
☆Messiah is the prophet of Allah/. ☆Jesus son of a mother named "Mary". ☆God is not a trinity, A heresy spread after him
☆With "Jesus" who never made the sign of the cross. A heresy spread after him ☆Jesus does not practice sins and prohibitions, such as: adultery, homosexuality, gay marriage, drinking wine, eating pork, gambling, types of theft, injustice, violence, …etc. For normal Christians practice these sins!!!
7■Jesus who believes in the coming of a prophet named 'Ahmed'. all the prophets announced the coming of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon them all): 《Jesus Christ》 (peace be upon him) He is a prophet who believed in the books of Allah and His prophets; he followed the path of the early prophets and those who came after them.
Allah, Exalted be He, said:
{And when Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you, I have come to confirm what has already preceded me in the Torah, and to announce the coming of a Messenger who will succeed me, by the name of Ahmad. }.
8■On the Day of Resurrection, 《Jesus Christ》 (peace be upon him) our prophet, will forsake before God those who have twisted the 《Bible》
9■.on the Day of Resurrection, I《Jesus Christ》will forsake before God Christians who are unconvinced of Christ's message, for they have not followed by forsaking evils such as drinking wine, committing fornication and eating pork.injustice.and violence….etc .
10■Nothing compares to 《ALLAH》: The true God neither begets nor is begotten/ the true God who created the universe and all creatures, who created Adam, Moses, the Messiah, and Mohamad, He is the God to whom nothing is comparable. Allah, Exalted be He, said:
1》Say: “He is ALLAH, One and Only.
2》Allah, the One to be called upon for what we desire.
3》He never fathered, nor was he fathered. 4》No one is equal or similar to Him. » (Surat Al Ikhlas, Faithfulness)
11■Who is Mohammad?
● Over the centuries, God has sent many messengers to people to guide them to their Creator and show them the truth behind His creation and also the purpose of their lives.
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad were messengers from God. However, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was distinguished by a few important characteristics.
● God chose him to deliver the last Divine Message to mankind. Moreover, the life of the Prophet Mohammad is a practical demonstration and application of the commandments of God.
● His teachings have proven to the world that sincerity, honesty, and keeping the commandments of the Creator, brings benevolence, well-being, and peace to all mankind.
●The Prophet Mohammad laid the moral foundation for a civilization that became a turning point in the development of mankind.
●Who is stronger than nature? Who created this universe? And who runs it? And whoever does not believe in it, his destiny is Hell. He is 《Allah》"God" alone and has no partner.
The skipper flying that plane set her down like a duck on water. Great job.
And it's just the beginning of the last time. Many people refused God's Law. Many leaders are doing wrong things. Vatican's pope still bow down and speak to statues 🙂 of Fatima, instead of praying to Lord Jesus Christ. As he sacrificed Ukraine & Russia to her, that's why it doesn't help. And he still teach to celebrate Sunday 1st day of the week, instead of Sabbath 7th day according to Law of God. It's not possible to solve problems of the world practicing lawlessness. So all need to repent & go back to the true worship of God)
Господи не допусти гибели людей
Jesus Hrist ist Gerechtigt.
😪😪💔🙏God help you.
All SIGNS of the END TIMES, Just as the BIBLE tells us
Know that time is getting short, and we are heading to
what the bible calls the 7 YEAR TRIBULATION that will
begin soon, which will bring great destruction on earth
The Holy Bible has in fact prophesied every single thing
that's ever happened on this earth with a great accuracy
and it tells the truth as to what is to come on a ungodly
and unrepentant world. There will be Wars, famines, more
floods, Hurricanes landslides, fires tornadoes, earthquakes
droughts sinkholes, mass animal die-offs and outbreaks
of diseases etc far worse then man has ever seen before.
✨Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you. I say
this not to scare but out of love for humanity as I pray for
everyone to be saved. So if you don't know Jesus Christ
please REPENT and seek the Lord while He can be found
Call upon Him while He is near Isaiah 55:6 believe in/on the
life death and resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ as it
is written in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 with all your heart, believe
in the Gospel of Salvation, Romans 10:9-13 be born again
in Christ and be saved.🕊🙏🎺💜🌺💜🎺🙏🕊
May GOD bless you all
The way u speak is way too fast and cant hear u properly. Perhaps u shud listen to it yourself its terrible. U have an accent so u shud speak loud and SLOW SLOW SLOW
You hate Israel God hate you.
God of god remove all this tears from austria..let them know you are mercfull god..forgive all their mistake😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Who care when people suffer 🧠🏫
Protéjelos a todos Señor Jesucristo !
So b it, Jesus Christ is COMING back that great day and dredful day of YESHUA will burn like oven, soon the sun of RIGHTOUS will appear with healing wings , please read the book of malachi chapter 4 and the book of revelation. Jesus is COMING back soon, take heed GB🔥👁️💖👁️🔥
The anti christ is soon revealed.
Déja vu…
Acts 2:38
And be saved!!!
Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Ρε αι στο διαολο με ολα αυτα που βαζεται
June 29th. That's it, unsubscribing.
End is here 😂
I'm #osiris #tutankhamun rise up again
God Allah Zeus Dionysus Dios goat devil 👿 Greek, James 4:7
Jesus Christ EROS Lucifer morningstar
Pompeii Roman Luke 10:18 revelation 22:16
Quran Muhammad ibn Abdullah mecca necronomicon Satan buraq, Quran 14:22
I rise up again
Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏
É dá para ver que os cientistas e quem tá por trás de tudo isso causando a catástrofe em toda a terra não tá de brincadeira quer mesmo reduzir a humanidade não precisa de guerra ele sabe o que estão fazendo e o povo não sabe onde vai para onde correr eles estão botando veneno na Terra e no ar para destruir é só Jesus 🙌🙌🙌
WoW crazy