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INFLATION was RISING at the start of 2022 however Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine has caused GLOBAL PRICES to SKYROCKET. Countries all around the world have started to raise Interest Rates but it doesn’t appear to be working and the UK, Italy & Germany now have their highest rates of Inflation since the 1980’s. In this video I look at Global Inflation Rates, discuss the Implications for the Global Economy and look at what is likely to happen for the rest of 2022 and 2023.
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0:00 Intro
2:48 UK
When you say we're a net importer of gas, does that include importing gas from Norway that we produced and pumped there – because we don't have anywhere to store it. If we had storage we would not need to pump it to Norway for most of the year, then pump it back in Winter.
You can lay the blame for this catastrophe squarely at the feet of politicians around the world who shut down world commerce… BECAUSE OF THE FLU ! The lockdowns were illegal, immoral and violated science and common sense.
The Whu-Flu was dangerous to 0.1% of the population, but the lockdowns will screw us all. And after bankrupting planet Earth, these same idiots want to do it all over again!!
If you're all a big fan of the lockdowns, then I hope you enjoy freezing and starving to death this winter, as well as walking to work (if you even have a job)…. your getting just what you asked for.
all part of the wef great reset
This too shall pass……
They dont include food and include items that get discounted when time s get bad and this pushes the inflation number way down, realistically the inflation is close to 25%.
how about psychologically link wages to prices.
min 01:09 assuming there is any… free cash
Finally Joe gets round to the shitshow that is the UK.
West imposed economic sanctions: Venezuela, Iran and now Russia. and then there is no oil and gas . then cry 😭 . blame putin. The United States attacks Iraq. Iraq's neighboring countries are normal, they don't impose economic sanctions on the United States
Yet on the UK news lately, the energy companies as well as petrol suppliers have recorded bumper profits. It's not inflation that's the problem, it's the greedy companies not passing on their profits to lower prices for the end user.
The chicken is winning the inflation battle against the turkey over the dinner table for this Thanksgiving. 🐓🦃
The Netherlands needs giant encapsulated pig barges that capture methane and the pigs will eat raw vege waste and the pig meat in a six month to one year time period can easily make it a cost-effectivel symbiotic process. Grow your pork at sea.
Unfortunately until rates get above inflation rates will have to keep going up. We will be in stagflation if not. This is the fallout from QE for far too many years. Wars always bring inflation however the Ukraine war is not the main reason for inflation. It has been waiting to raise its head because of all the cheap money that has been around for far too long. Anyone that thought it was a good idea to buy a property in a crazy market really should have done a bit of homework. Just because you can borrow X doesn't mean you should. I warned my last neighbors not to move just before the pandemic. She had been in financial trouble before. Nah, they got given the carrot and bit it. Then they probably thought, great the housing market has risen what an A.hole I was. Mmmm….now she has long COVID and both have low paying jobs. Looks like they should have stayed in a property they could have ACTUALLY afforded. People like them, which is why inflation is getting worse. The more we spend above our means the worse it gets for those on the edge.
Another way to reduce inflation is cut emission of money and above all cut fiscal expenditure (waste)!
Been watching your videos for a while now and decided I would subscribe today. You give out some good information and I enjoy the feedback you get. Living in Thailand I watch the exchange rates all the time. I have put a lot of money in the Japanese yen. Right now it's around 140 yen to $1.00 American dollar. I am planing a trip to Japan in the spring so if the yen goes back down to around 100 yen to one dollar then I have made a lot of money. That would make my trip much better.
Inflation in Australia is expected to return to normal in 2024 after peaking around 8-9%- compounded by flooding in agricultural areas. People have not yet changed their spending habits as we have had privilege for 12 years and the free money being handed around during covid hasn't dried up yet.
Compared to the rest of the UK, Northern Ireland inflation rate was 12.9% in September & the NI Assembly isn't working so without the energy payment the inflation will be much higher then the rest of the UK's 11.1%, it could be as much as 15% inflation. While Ireland's inflation was 9.5% in October up from 8.6% in September,. To add to this comparison, the UK economy is looking at a recession of 1.4% (this will be longer in Northern Ireland as NI might already be in recession with The Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index falling by 0.1% between the first and second quarters of 2022, the info in the third quarter isn't out yet), while Ireland's economy is forecasted to grow by 2.5% in 2023 but with inflation being forecasted at 6.8%, it will feel like a recession in the pockets of Irish consumers. This will create a greater level of economic inequality on either side of the border.
Russia might have had the correct response to controling run-away infation, bring interest rates up to 20% at the start for a few months then slowly reduce the interest rates to 8%, a Steep/Sharp Shock with slower lower of interest rates to reduce spending, it is still higher than most in the G20 nations. However, no Government in a Democratic country would get away with that stunt..
Even if Britain produced gas and oil to more than satisfy UK demand, the price of gas and fuel will increase, as the oil and gas will be sold to UK consumers using global price.
Comparisons to 1981 inflation is nonsense as we use totally different measures for inflation now. If we used 1981 method, it would be close to 24%
Prices rising doesn't = inflation. See Eurodollar University Joe.
Over compensating for Covid by gov spending is causing inflation world wide
Brexit tax seems to be +3% of inflation.
Denys Davydov shows this was likely a russian missile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwXZcT4b5BU&t=299s&ab_channel=DenysDavydov
Hence why sanctions, bans, embargos, all kind of economic disruptions are always bad for global supply chains. The world are so connected today, being stupid in escalating problems only lead to more miserable world. End war now instead of prolong it.
Argentina is pretty much a meme at this point.
Jose pathological refusal to identify Brexit as the underlying cause of the economic problems is disappointing. He is an avid brexiteer but the reality is Brexit is coming home to roost. It’s effects are pervading all aspects of the economic development of the uk. Sunak is a part of the problem and not the solution.
There is some veracity in joes assertion that other factors are also relevant … but the bottom line is Brexit has been a disaster for the UK. Only the rich have benefited the vast majority are worst off than before buffoon Boris and the other Tory idiots. Wake up Joe and be objective.
Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life, it was hard for me until I started an investment which is now helping me generate an earnings of $ 15,435 per week
The huge increase in energy and fuel prices can only be responsible when you look at it .. back in 1981 i just got married … great start ?.. but there was no increases in energy as such … not like we have now ! My first house was £8.500 ..2 bed Terrace . lol .
Joe maybe instead of doing the same thing with higher interest rate that is not working, maybe they should produce more food and energy? Fertilizers reduction laws will reduce production and supply.
Netherlands is hampering it’s own agricultural production by making laws against fertilizers, they’re government need to stop it
For all those who voted for Brexit the air must be thick with the wings of chickens coming home to roost, to borrow a phrase.
Interest rates don’t fight food inflation, it’s the thing people can’t live without, increased food production is the only way, organic food production is ineffective, 20-50% lower production per m2
You should travel around the world and chat about these places
I like seeing your face more. Face and graphs. The stock videos are lame. Your face brings trust.
No!!! Inflation always was and always will be a monetary phenomenon, ie money printing.
Until they stop printing money inflation will go up.
Some of food at my low cost supermarkets up 60%
Chinese exports continue to go down as lockdowns increase and demand slows. imo Can you do a new China update?