Happy Friday! It’ time for the Fails of the Week! This week we have a virtual reality fail, the best dog of all time, and a woman who gets stuck in a swing! Watch fails 24/7 on the FailArmy app! Download here: https://fail.army/2Y3NrWK
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3:55 is this really our society today? Is that what the fire trucks do after they scream down the roads? To get a stupid girl unstuck from a swing made for an infant? Society is messed up.
I believe in you, Anni!! ..if you don't… – and crash!
that last dude is a genius
OMG, #FML on the baby swing!! ??♂️??♀️???
0:58 the dog is more obedient than me. ?
The one with the upside down car’s caption is like “Sorry babe I can’t make it, I got into an accident”
“I’m home alone”
play video
That dog ain't a fail man he is pawsome
0:57 how is this a fail?
0:14 excuse me wtf
@ 1:55 You better watch out for La chancla dude.
Nooo the hopper 🙁
I cant even get my dog to shit outside
0:57 meilleur chien du monde
How is the dog clip a fail? Everyone needs a dog that can get them a beer…
the thumbnail is freaking creepy. i hate it.
3:35 – Those poor firefighters!!!
They could have removed the bolts from the swing to get it off the chains instead of holding her upside down… but why??? ???
cadê os br?
Instagran deivid_gross_
How was the dog getting the beer be a fail? That was some good training, but whys it a fail? Dont get it???
When I get 100 sub's I ask my crush out
When I get 200 sub's I will go up in front on my class and tell her I love her
0:16 David Brent "I'm performing as I want me to perform."
Recording vertically is the TRUE fail in this video! Retarded generation!
4:54 he shoulda slapped that bitch around the place
The dog did not recycle.