It’s so sad how they just get abandoned hope you take care of them
Marshmallow Kayla
Their so cute 😍
What should you name them I think the one that you like should be named s’mores because it is brown like chocolate white like marshmallows and bright Brown that looks like graham crackers
Oreo cookie candy tabby
Maybe you should call one of the girls Kia
Sooo adorable ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Or Emily
I think good names for them would be for a Calico: Tootsie spelt like Tustie
I'm a kid and onec my GRANDMA RESCUED A KITTEN!! We gave her away though, but lukily to someone we know! My Grandma rescued a kitten from her ENGINE in HER CAR!
The Calico cat that was a "Pro" as you said is my favorite!
It must of been hard driving with the kittens on you're lap.
I'm sorry tho he mean but why the 👁️ look like they're popping out ore like boba 🏐
How about you name the cittens
You can name a calico orla
Poor kitties
How about you name the one that you like the most Diamme
Are used to have two dogs and then my dad like put my favorite one out of the house😢
Yeah I’m dying now those kitties are too cute
They are so cute that there gonna make me cry I think two black ones should be named moonlight and nightlight the three girls shou be name Layla Kayle Mela
Love your videos make more videos
There's only six cats you said 10 cats with a six not 10
Name them max Mia vanilla joy coco
hanna can you please do a video
I love your videos. I like when you help the kittens .I love kittens they are my favorite animal.
I think Denise is for a girl yeah it is for a girl song you can name for the girl Denise I think you have a girl Denise a girl like the kid Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty I love baby kitties give me it now now oh no now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh
kinlly Piper. Manaia. Markers. Mac
Can I have a 😸 🐱 😽 😿 because I don't have any cats
The boy name Jack
I love them can I have one I'm in India please Hanna
You are the best dark I love how you tack per of pet's
It’s so sad how they just get abandoned hope you take care of them
Marshmallow Kayla
Their so cute 😍
What should you name them
I think the one that you like should be named s’mores because it is brown like chocolate white like marshmallows and bright Brown that looks like graham crackers
Oreo cookie candy tabby
Maybe you should call one of the girls Kia
Sooo adorable ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Or Emily
I think good names for them would be for a Calico: Tootsie spelt like Tustie
I'm a kid and onec my GRANDMA RESCUED A KITTEN!! We gave her away though, but lukily to someone we know! My Grandma rescued a kitten from her ENGINE in HER CAR!
The Calico cat that was a "Pro" as you said is my favorite!
It must of been hard driving with the kittens on you're lap.
I'm sorry tho he mean but why the 👁️ look like they're popping out ore like boba 🏐
How about you name the cittens
You can name a calico orla
Poor kitties
How about you name the one that you like the most Diamme
Are used to have two dogs and then my dad like put my favorite one out of the house😢
Yeah I’m dying now those kitties are too cute
They are so cute that there gonna make me cry I think two black ones should be named moonlight and nightlight the three girls shou be name Layla Kayle Mela
Love your videos make more videos
There's only six cats you said 10 cats with a six not 10
Name them max Mia vanilla joy coco
hanna can you please do a video
I love your videos. I like when you help the kittens .I love kittens they are my favorite animal.
I think Denise is for a girl yeah it is for a girl song you can name for the girl Denise I think you have a girl Denise a girl like the kid Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty I love baby kitties give me it now now oh no now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh
kinlly Piper. Manaia. Markers. Mac
Can I have a 😸 🐱 😽 😿 because I don't have any cats
The boy name Jack
I love them can I have one I'm in India please Hanna
You are the best dark I love how you tack per of pet's