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Freya Tells Kratos Her Horrific Memories With Odin And Wedding Night Experience (GOW RAGNAROK) 4K
Sad conversation between Freya an Kratos. She mentions all the horrific experiences she had being married to Odin. In particular her wedding night experience.
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#godofwarragnarok #kratos #freya
Check out some of Kratos' Greece Stories in Ragnarok edited together with visuals from the original God of War games! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0gBaIFBHc
Poor baby Freya 🙁
Ppl in the comments like they can't be great friends AND lovers.
Odin acted like a typical man child after being told no? Wow. Games are getting on the level.
What happened to Freya wanting to kill kratos
2:50 How do I get that chest? u/ninjhetto
2:20 Kratos wiggles in anger at the story.
Haven't you observed the different generations represented in language. I can't stand to hear Freya. "What he said at your wedding"? "All you want to do is protect your family"? When? When your brother/friend/whatever was set on fire for trying to unite AND feed people for generations? Scattering your peoples ashes to the wind, for Odin's love? "He tricked me". Plausible deniability. Generation Z's dream. This game is all types of horrible when she speaks! Selfish, entitled, oblivious, irresponsible, and insane. Most definitely geared towards a certain population.
This is essentially Freya writing down her divorce papers WITHOUT Odin knowing lol
I love this game
they really hit a home run with the character writing in this game.
I think Kratos digging her guts out already, showing her the guak guak 9000 mouthpiece.
Freya is best lady.
something about these boat scenes is lovely and makes me enjoy the conversation more
They got Freyas appearance all wrong..
Kratos: writing in his diary
It will take time for her to trust us once more, but at least we have now a powerful ally
Freya: Omg, did i ever tell you about that time Odin was trying to trade me for a wall? I mean, the guy is a total asshole. Kinda like my brother, he's always so lazy and wants me to do all the work. Anyway, how's your son?
Kratos: Hmm
rips off page
Kratos better tap that at some point
Kratos is by far the most evil character in these games. It's as though the fans forgot or never played the other games. Kratos is a murdering piece of shit. Getting philosophical in his old age doesn't redeem him.
wait ,when she drew sword from stone did she reject her bond with her son and the valkyries? and her love for it?
remeber when GoW was cool? I mean, we get it, domestic violence is bad, we dont need that in our games… sh*t man, even the music is a downer, this is what happens when you dont beap up the emos
Pure cringe.
God of War is now, "I can't fix you. It's not me it's you."
This Odin guy is pretty cool, I like him.
Kratos took her son , why she never asked for a new son even things out between them 🤔
That was a profound Journey into the inmost cave arc.
Odin is lucky he got to hit that, I would suck a fart out of freyas butt.
5:20 how did you get here?
Now that Atreus is gone…
We all know Kratos gonna be doing the “press circle” QuickTime mini game on freya
Finally meeting Odin makes all of these manipulations make sense to me. Dude is mad convincing as an alright guy who just wanted answers. If Odin was played more like Zeus, I couldn't see Freya, Thrud, Groa, or anyone else falling for his bs.
Fuck you this game came out FRIDAY and here you are with spoiler filled titles already. Get fucked.
Sure kratos killed baldor, but freya you lost him long before kratos snapped his neck.
Wielding So much Power(Control)
Power Controls Them(Odin Or Zues)
And Do Terrible Things(Out Of Fear) Instead of Fate.
Which Leads To Their Downfall
A Tyrannical Regime Downfall.
Free Will Of Everyone's Own is The only Way to Move forward
Accept criticism
Be a better person than Your Past
Aim For the Future
4 Maidens
all i want to see is kratos screwing freya
As kratos told baldur, the path of vengeance will not give peace; if kratos had allowed Freya to kill him, it would not bring her peace at all, only more depression as she would have taken the wrong road to happiness. Freya stated she felt nothing destroying those things, and it led into more grief later as she continued the quest. If kratos chose to kill Freya, he would be a hypocrite; as he said "we must be better". No more killing.
Anyone think her tattoo is link to her magic?
Sometime it's very revealing & glowing, specially when she fights.
But sometime, it's weak & fading.
If kratos and Freya had a kid, he/she would be op as hell considering Atreus is only half breed
Far cry 3 ❤️
So is Mimir in constant pain due to being a disembodied head ? I keep wondering that
I am so glad they got rid of atreaus boring ass 😂
Insert some fancy phrase and that's the best game of the year for the fanboys
Oh man.. What the hell happened to GOD OF WAR.. this is like god of boredom or the last of us: kratos edition
freya's therapists
I think this game is also about Kratos discovering that there are indeed peaceful and good gods.
And now Freya has completed her witcher set. Cant wait for the crossover
I'd ship em. Under platonic friends with the potential to be loves.
But… there is absolutely no mention of the wedding night. A shame you resort to clickbaits for a good video otherwise.
Funny that Freya had a place ready in the holding belt just for that sword!!!