10.5 Apocalypse PART ONE: The aftershocks of a massive West Coast quake devastate the country state-by-state culminating in a possible nuclear meltdown.
Watch Part TWO here: https://youtu.be/y412m7GhbT4
Kim Delaney
David Cubitt
Beau Bridges
Glenda Braganza
Russell Yuen
Oliver Hudson
Dean Cain
Part one of two
Episode 1 of 2
Directed by John Lafia
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Funny, I was looking on Google Earth, (a FREE system anybody can get), and I don't see any really pointy mountains anywhere near Sun Valley Idaho. Just another Hollywood load of BS. Also, NEVER EVER Trust the US Government. They are NEVER Ever there to help You!
In real is better, and more places please
40 minutes into this and had to go and watch an old western for some commonsense!! Shoot the critters!!!!
The scriptwriters clearly are being directed by someone with little understanding of natural phenomena. Keep in mind, the President (actor nor the real one) IS NOT GOD so screaming about what to do & putting the issue on the heads of scientists et al is failure of duty to lead in a crisis. Oh golly gosh, the writers demonstrates his role is pretty dumb.
If this event actually occurs, and it is quite likely, the government under your feet is the last thing you may ever know!
Have a happy day USA!!! 🙂
Laura's selfishness is apparent. She is placing a wedge between brothers. That woman's high maintenance! I'd give her the flick!
For God.s sake! Buy a tripod and learn to use it. Not every shot needs to look like you shot it from a moving tricycle, I got seasick trying to watch this.
Take a Zofran or a slug of cola syrup before watching. With the jump and zoom shots, it's literally nauseating.
it is interesting how they use the 'Movies' to condition, the perception of our future realities !
I wonder what the did go through the list of Nations looking for diversity And , The public service? I wish it WAS THAT GOOD?
Hollywood should name the movie as Climate change propaganda and fearmongering! So to manipulate the sheeps to accept corrupt politicians, scientists and the rich lies and buy electric vehicles, ditch gas boilers, log burners, ditch meat and go vegan and buy tasty BUG burgers, and live on high rents and be happy :)!!!!
They've worked on the youngsters and have screwed their brains, and will keep doing that so the the liberals remain in power and the rich get richer (ahh they'll eat expensive steaks and drive classic cars and travel via private jets which emit more than commercial ones!!)!
Not bad, but they always get tidal waves wrong. Tidal waves only rise up when they come close to land, when they hit the continental shelf, for example, out at sea they pose little or no danger.
at the begining of this film they should rainbow trout there in rivers not in the sea ha ha ha ha
I'm sure carbon dioxide is the hidden cause of all this. They have global warming up their a**es lol
I love Dean Cain movies and
Bo Bridges is a bonus
Fun and giggles for the whole family!!!
It's a nice movie, however I don't understand the constant zooming of the cameras. It might be because I've not seen a movie with this type of filming. Great well known actors and actresses in this film.
fkn shyte
Thank you 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩💖💖💖💖
Very good, however these massive desasters s are supposed to happen after the Rapture.
All this catastrophe happening, and no one's taking selfies?
The opening cruise ship scene is joke. Tsunamis are usually undetectable at sea
Three minutes in, and you have a ship captain doesn't know to head into a tidal wave by turning into it. All he does is tell passengers to go below decks! Maybe because they couldn't get film showing a ship turning…?!
Sometimes the camera angles where bad but the script and acting where good, especially when it came to genuine human interaction.
Thanks this movie is bloody great cant wait till part 2
Ang porpouse Ng movie is kailangan mag balik sa panginoon mg pray dapat at Hindi mag panik guys
Yellowstone Volano blows, N.Amerikkka is FINISHED ! THAT IS a FACT .N. AMERICA would NEVER RECOVER. From ANY OF the Disasters .
I like the movie but I just can’t handle the “Camera Work” anymore. Constant shifting….